Lesson 1 : English conversation between three friends! & MOC Test

<p>Ratan: Not much, just hanging out. How about you?</p> <p>Pappu: I&rsquo;m doing pretty well. Thanks for asking.</p> <p>Subha: So, have you guys heard about the new restaurant that just opened up downtown?</p> <p>Ratan: No, I haven&rsquo;t. What&rsquo;s it called?</p> <p>Subha: It&rsquo;s called &ldquo;The Rusty Spoon&rdquo;. I heard their food is amazing.</p> <p>Pappu: That sounds interesting. What kind of food do they serve?</p> <p><a href="https://subha01dutta.medium.com/lesson-1-english-conversation-between-three-friends-moc-test-ea32b371d0eb"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>