Verses on Salat

<p>While the<em>&nbsp;</em>above verse shows how critical the Salat is for our souls, we can and should pray to or at least keep God in mind as much as possible; only God has any power in the universe. However, without that knowledge it appears that we and others have power.</p> <p>A separate story gives a number of dua, or non-specified prayers that can be used anytime to connect with our Creator and Sustainer.</p> <p>Below you can find the Quran&rsquo;s verses on Salat. Please note that to safeguard the integrity of the translation, Dr. Khalifa chose to put any explanatory words (like subtitles, transliterations of the Arabic or words needed for clarification of the verse in an italic font).</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Prayer English