Tag: Democracy

Is Democracy Committing Suicide?

Here’s a tiny question. Is the age of democracy drawing to a close? Now, before you accuse me of exaggerating, or baiting you, let me assure you — it’s a question I mean to ask, and I think we should all be asking. We tend to think of democracy as something like a grand, permane...

Safeguarding Democracy: Protecting Battleground States from Threats

“Safeguarding Democracy: Protecting Battleground States from Threats” examines the critical role of voters in preserving the integrity of elections within seven key battleground states in the United States — Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, Arizona, Wisconsin, Nevada, and New Mexic...

Is American Democracy Failing?

I addressed concerns about democracy in my weekly column published September 6 in the Spy Newspapers of the Eastern Shore. I write that Americans need to work harder at being good voters. I am sharing the column here. Should We Worry About Democracy? What does the rest of the world think of Am...

What the Long Campaign Season Does to Democracy

Four hundred and twenty-one days to go. I’m so tired of this election, and it hasn’t even really started yet. As I write this, we’re staring wearily at another year and two months before the 2024 presidential election. In fact, we’re still two months out from the election&...

Is Democracy Committing Suicide?

Here’s a tiny question. Is the age of democracy drawing to a close? Now, before you accuse me of exaggerating, or baiting you, let me assure you — it’s a question I mean to ask, and I think we should all be asking. We tend to think of democracy as something like a grand, permane...

Political Tremors of 2023: The GOP, Trump, and the Fate of American Democracy

1. GOP’s Ascendancy: The Republicans have taken over the House, marking the beginning of a two-year political epoch characterized by potential governing showdowns and shutdowns. With the GOP speaker and the Democratic president at loggerheads, the power dynamics of Pennsylvania Avenue are...

The Battle for American Democracy and the Indictment of Donald Trump

Over the last couple of days, we’ve been talking about the indictment of Donald Trump. I want to offer a few closing thoughts — for now, anyways. How much does this matter? A great, great deal. To understand why, really, though, consider the context, which goes like this. ...

The Dress, the Democracy, the Divide

The Dress You, of course, remember the Dress, the social phenomenon that was so shocking and memorable, it actually usurped use of a common word. Say “The Dress” to anyone old enough to remember it, and they’ll likely know what you’re talking about. (If you haven&rsqu...

Is Democracy Committing Suicide?

Here’s a tiny question. Is the age of democracy drawing to a close? Now, before you accuse me of exaggerating, or baiting you, let me assure you — it’s a question I mean to ask, and I think we should all be asking. We tend to think of democracy as something like a grand, permane...

The Dress, the Democracy, the Divide

You, of course, remember the Dress, the social phenomenon that was so shocking and memorable, it actually usurped use of a common word. Say “The Dress” to anyone old enough to remember it, and they’ll likely know what you’re talking about. (If you haven’t heard of ...

Is Democracy Committing Suicide?

Here’s a tiny question. Is the age of democracy drawing to a close? Now, before you accuse me of exaggerating, or baiting you, let me assure you — it’s a question I mean to ask, and I think we should all be asking. We tend to think of democracy as something like a grand, permane...

Ancient Athens Was Not a Democracy

In 507 BC, Cleisthenes, the ruler of the city-state of Athens, introduced a new system of governance: democracy. Never before in history had any nation tried governance by the people on such a large, radical scale. However, while Ancient Athens may have laid the groundwork for future governments to ...

20.1 Justice and Democracy

What is Justice? This is a question Socrates asked no less than, What is Temperance? What is Piety? What is Courage? But the stakes seem larger with justice, because this virtue plays an immense role in community interactions. Socrates acted on an ideal of justice when he stood up against the Assemb...

Athenian Democracy: A Reaction to Tyranny, Oligarchy, and Invasion

Aristotle believed every state was a partnership, built on the premise that collectively, the state, and thereby its people, would work together for the common good of the community.[1] This communal approach to governance was a defining characteristic of ancient Greece. The type of government ...

2.6 The Birth of Democracy

Throughout the turbulent era of the Persian wars, Athens built a powerful democratic political system that held the city together and made her unique in the world. Since time immemorial, Greek cities had developed power-sharing institutions, as was evident even in reactionary Sparta: there were two ...

How Jimmy Lai Became the Face of Hong Kong’s Democracy Movement

In the shifting geopolitical landscape, one man has become the symbol of Hong Kong’s fight for democracy, free speech, and journalistic freedom: Jimmy Lai. A media tycoon turned political dissident, Lai has been at the forefront of the city’s pro-democracy movement and has subsequently f...

How to Fight for Democracy Even When You’re Scared

Democracy is a fundamental principle that societies have cherished for centuries. It stands for equality, representation, and the collective voice of the people. However, there are times when fighting for democracy is a daunting and even frightening task. Whether you’re concerned about politic...

Analyzing the Erosion of Democracy

How can someone understand the inherent value of true democracy if they’ve never felt the weight of a dictatorship? If they have never lived under the shadow of communism, military rule, or fascism. If they haven’t lost the power over major decisions that affect their body. They hav...

Why Anarchism Is The Only True Form Of Democracy

Referring to us as the “pre-war generation”, in Sander’s speech it was made clear that we are under threat of a large scale war for which we are in no way prepared, owing to cuts to the armed forces (the British army stands at 73,000, vs the Russian military which comes in at 1.15&...

2023: The Year The Supreme Court Killed Democracy

Well, it was a good run. But government of the people, by the people, and for the people isn’t likely to survive the Supreme Court’s next term. There are a lot of cases where the Court’s six-Justice conservative majority looks poised to shove the law rightward, but one, in particul...

Supreme Court’s Bruen Ruling is End of Gun Control, Maybe Democracy

It was global news on June 24, 2022 when the six right-wing Justices on the Supreme Court overturned the landmark Roe v. Wade ruling (1973) that made access to abortion a federal right for women. Little noticed was an equally damaging ruling issued the previous day by the Sinister Six. The...

Can American Democracy Survive the Next Two Months? Yes, Here’s How

According to Levitsky and Ziblatt, institutional restraint is one of the most fundamental norms of a democratic society. This has been largely true throughout America’s history. Different parts of government don’t always exercise the full extent of their powers as they fight partisan bat...

Voting For Democracy Is Not An Option, But Our Responsibility

Democracy is a fragile institution. It’s a beautiful and precious form of government that requires a strong and vigilant defense. A democratic society can only function upon the shoulders of its citizens, and it is our responsibility to preserve and maintain it. When we fail to stand up for...

How AI could take over elections — and undermine democracy

Could organizations use artificial intelligence language models such as ChatGPT to induce voters to behave in specific ways? Sen. Josh Hawley asked OpenAI CEO Sam Altman this question in a May 16, 2023, U.S. Senate hearing on artificial intelligence. Altman replied that he was indeed co...

The Fight for Our Democracy is Over

They say that American kids need to learn more about civics. I agree. I used to teach fifth grade, and we covered a lot of information about politics and political systems. We learned a lot about democracy, from the early Greeks to the formation of our Republic. My students could tell you that th...

Our Democracy is Dying and There is Only One Way to Save It

For most Indonesians, 2024 will be the first time that they could vote for their desired candidates to run for this country. But this year isn’t like any other, this year the president isn’t staying neutral. The president himself, shows his support to one specific candidate, why? Beca...

Democracy Diluted: The Declining Representation in America

Increasingly, it feels as if democracy is dying. I’m not here to point fingers at individuals but at the mechanisms within our system that allow for its decline. In a recent article titled ‘How Money in Politics Silences OUR Voice’, I discussed how the influence of money in politic...

Only You Can Stop a Democracy Fire. Stand Up and Run. Stand Out and Win.

Even though I don’t know the answers to those questions, it looks like we’ll be time-traveling back to 2020 with a Biden/Trump rematch. And I have to say, I don’t know anyone who wants to go back to 2020, except perhaps a select group of “tourists” who went &l...

Why Trump is a danger to democracy and the world

The recent interview of Reverend Al Sharpton by Stig Abell reveals the extent of the damage that Donald Trump has inflicted on the American democracy and the world order. Trump, who still refuses to accept his defeat in the 2024 presidential election, is not only a sore loser, but a dangerous d...

Why America is so Eager to Flush Democracy Down the Toilet?

The reasons are as vast as the territorial United States. Let’s say American history was fated to have a rendezvous with the strong man. After all, America is fascinated with strong men and a strong culture of imposition on other countries. The GI Joe cow syndrome finally arrived at the barn. ...

The Decline of Western Democracy

Western democracies have a rich historical context, dating back to ancient Greece and the Roman Republic. The Enlightenment and the French and American Revolutions further solidified the principles of democracy, emphasizing individual rights, freedom, and equality. Over the years, Western democracie...

What makes American democracy unique?

America is the only country where society is not divided into government and opposition. Freedom of thought allows elected officials in the United States to be ready for any change in the situation if the people want it! It is impossible to break the USA because the USA easily bends 360 degrees! ...

337 — Synergistic Democracy and the Independent Movement

In response to potential dystopias, we invoke the most stunning, good, true, beautiful world that our hearts and our bodies and our minds have always known is possible. Fragments and flickers of this vision live in the interior sciences of the great traditions, but — tragically — those f...

The Anti-Democracy Party

The moniker “Republican,” has been used to label the anti-fascists of the Spanish Revolution, the anti-monarchists of the French Revolution, and the American political party embracing anti-slavery. And now the anti-democracy party? In the interest of “brand awareness,” ...

Political Parties are Destroying American Democracy

What is the last big problem America solved? I mean, other than Facebook not being a Metaverse. That was clearly a big one! Thanks God! No, I mean, what was the last big problem that we came together as a nation and, using our political system, addressed in a serious way. Some might argue ObamaCare ...

What Pre-colonial Igbo Democracy Looked Like

Precolonial Igbo societies practiced a form of decentralized and participatory democracy that was rooted in their traditional governance structures. While it may not fit the classical Western model of democracy, the Igbo system of governance was characterized by principles of consensus, inclusivenes...

Dismantling Democracy & the Role of Mental Distortions in Extremist Agendas

Having been part of the Roman Catholic faith and possessing a deep knowledge of the Bible and its teachings, I wonder when we should boldly confront those who claim to be “Christian” without truly embodying those values. Without any belief system in place, a woman should not be compel...

One Guy Is A Threat To Democracy?

I was listening to NPR’s “Morning Edition” on Tuesday morning, 2/27. This was the day of the Michigan primaries, so NPR decided to talk to young students there about upcoming plans at the voting booth. The students shared their thoughts about driving issues in their lives. Several ...