337 — Synergistic Democracy and the Independent Movement

<p><strong>In response to potential dystopias, we invoke the most stunning, good, true, beautiful world that our hearts and our bodies and our minds have always known is possible</strong>. Fragments and flickers of this vision live in the interior sciences of the great traditions, but &mdash; tragically &mdash; those flickering visions were often hijacked by their ethnocentric contexts. Now we are at a moment where they need to be reclaimed.</p> <p>We cannot respond to dystopia without a vision of utopia. We cannot respond to the meta-crisis without a vision of what it would look like. At the Center for Integral Wisdom, we&rsquo;ve been trying to articulate this new vision, to articulate this new possibility, to feel into what could be, and to articulate an evolution of the source code itself.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/office-for-the-future/337-synergistic-democracy-and-the-independent-movement-40995bbeb99b"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>