What Pre-colonial Igbo Democracy Looked Like

<p>Precolonial Igbo societies practiced a form of decentralized and participatory democracy that was rooted in their traditional governance structures. While it may not fit the classical Western model of democracy, the Igbo system of governance was characterized by principles of consensus, inclusiveness, and community decision-making. Here are some key aspects of precolonial Igbo democracy:</p> <p>1.&nbsp;<strong>Village Councils:</strong>&nbsp;The basic unit of Igbo society was the village, and each village had its own council or assembly of elders and respected community members. These councils were responsible for making decisions on various matters affecting the community.</p> <p><a href="https://ama-chi.medium.com/what-pre-colonial-igbo-democracy-looked-like-ab6b160f9efd"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
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