What makes American democracy unique?

<p><em>America is the only country where society is not divided into government and opposition. Freedom of thought allows elected officials in the United States to be ready for any change in the situation if the people want it! It is impossible to break the USA because the USA easily bends 360 degrees!</em></p> <p>In the United States, political parties have not become prisons for their members. Republicans and Democrats can have many opinions on the same topic. This provides an opportunity to develop democracy in a distinctively American way. This is the path of personal freedom and respect for the same freedom of a political opponent. The result is a discussion but not a confrontation. Republicans and Democrats are colleagues in creating a prosperous America. But they are not the opposition and the government that fights each other.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@kuljukpavel/what-makes-american-democracy-unique-b83d9540cfc7"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>