Is Democracy Committing Suicide?

<p>Here&rsquo;s a tiny question. Is the age of democracy drawing to a close? Now, before you accuse me of exaggerating, or baiting you, let me assure you &mdash; it&rsquo;s a question I mean to ask, and I think we should all be asking.</p> <p>We tend to think of democracy as something like a grand, permanent turning point in history. Before, there was not democracy, and then &mdash; bang! &mdash; our forefathers and mothers discovered, or created, this wonderful and noble thing, and, like the internet or antibiotics, it was here to stay forever.</p> <p>Is it? The truth is subtler. Feudalism lasted millennia. Tribalism, millennia before that. Empire, another millennia. And so maybe democracy is not something like a permanent turning point. Perhaps it was just an experiment &mdash; which has failed. Just as it has so many times before in history. Athens. Rome. The French Revolution &mdash; Napoleon&rsquo;s coronation just 15 years later. Has democracy ever lasted, when you think about it? In fact, every single time in history democracy has been tried &mdash; people seem incapable of it (and discussing why is the point of this essay), hence soon enough, within a few centuries, if that long, it collapses right back into tyranny, war, and strife.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>