Tag: Trump’s

A Pro Photographer Critiques Trump’s Mugshot

Donald Trump’s mugshot, taken in connection with felony charges in Fulton County, Georgia, may go down in history as one of the most impactful photos ever taken of the former president. It’s the first time a former American President has had a mugshot taken, which means that — f...

Donald Trump’s Georgia Indictment Will Finish Him, If It Gets There

I still don’t think Donald Trump will go to jail for any of the four (current) indictments against him. With that said, the Georgia indictment is the strongest to date. There’s one main reason why it will finish him once and for all, if allowed to reach a jury verdict and sente...

Trump’s Lies Spark Right-Wing Cries to Defund PBS

During its broadcast of Trump’s post-indictment rally on June 13, PBS NewsHour added factual context to the disgraced former president’s claims that he had won the 2020 election, that federal prosecutor Jack Smith was a “deranged lunatic” and a “thug,” a...

What would Trump’s re-election mean for Ukraine?

Despite a wide range of ongoing legal proceedings, former US President Donald Trump appears on track to secure the Republican nomination for the presidency. While the domestic and international implications of a second Trump administration are difficult to predict fully, one area of concern is how h...

Trump’s Private Pool Party:

What’s good America? This is your boy, bringing you the latest on the Trump saga. The plot thickens as new developments emerge in the Donald Trump indictment case at Mar-a-Lago. The classified documents saga has taken a new turn with the indictment of Carlos De Oliveira, the head of Trump&rsqu...

Trump’s Indictment Interference

Donald Trump vomits non-stop that President Joe Biden, democrats, RINO Republicans, the courts, judges and prosecutors are all engaging in what he calls election interference. That, as always, it’s all just one big fat Deep-State conspiracy against him. That, contrary to everything he&rsq...

The Atlantic Just Showed Us How to Cover Trump’s Return to Twitter

After months of making promises, Elon Musk has reinstated Donald Trump’s Twitter account. He did so after running a Twitter poll to which roughly 15 million people responded. A narrow margin, 51.8%, voted in favor of reinstating the former president. But even if they hadn’t, Mu...

One Of Trump’s Chefs At Mar-A-Lago Quit, Says He Can’t Unsee What He Saw

Chef Abe Pleisher, an assistant chef at Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort who just quit his job after only two weeks on the job, gave an interview on the podcast The Political Insider Guy about the “truly absurd” things he witnessed on the job: Trump would order a me...

“The Continuing Threat: Donald Trump’s Role in the January 6 Insurrection and the Imperative to Bar Him from Future Office”

The events of January 6, 2021, when a mob stormed the United States Capitol, shocked the nation and the world. While immediate attention focused on the perpetrators of this insurrection, including former President Donald Trump, a critical aspect of the aftermath involves the legal implications and t...

Trump’s Coke Use in the 1980s was Legendary

I think we have all forgotten the debauchery of the 1980s. The crazy parties. The age of casual sex. My late teens and early twenties passed in the 1980s. I am so old that I remember some things that are completely taboo today. I remember driving after having a few too many. I remember casu...

Disrupting Trump’s Mug Shot and His “Singular Genius”

Not surprisingly, the arrival of an official Trump mug shot has been the media boon that Trump predicted. According to reports, the Trump campaign claimed to have raised over 7 million dollars in the three days after his mugshot was released. The image has been everywhere, not just as an ill...

Trump’s Legal Situation in Georgia is Getting Even Worse.

It never seems to end with Donald Trump, does it? Just two weeks ago we learned that Donald Trump had been indicted for a third time for his role in attempting to overturn the 2020 election, then we got news a fourth indictment is imminent, and now, of course, there’s more. The fourth indic...

Free Insults For Trump’s Primary Opponents To Use

Donald Trump’s tough guy branding is dangerously dependent on his hair not getting wet in the rain. He skips out on WWII memorials and holding umbrellas over his wife’s head to protect his nasty, fake hair combed over badly from getting moist. Donald Trump’s depraved, unquench...

Trump’s Signature, What Does It Tell Us?

Donald Trump’s signature is not ordinary. If you have looked at it, you have surely noticed its extraordinary features. As a graphologist, I can’t resist having a deeper look at it. As a reminder, Graphology or handwriting analysis is the study of handwriting and how it r...

Trump’s Questionnaire For All His 2nd Term Appointees Just Leaked

In 500 words or more, explain why Donald Trump was a better president than all the others combined. [If you don’t include Trump’s name in every sentence he’s going to get bored and not finish reading it.] Do you think Trump could date Ivanka if she weren’t his daugh...

It Was Always Him, Not Us: How Trump’s Mug Shot Revealed Who The Real Criminal Is

Former U.S. President and Inmate No. P01135809 Donald Trump surrendered at the Fulton County jail on August 25. He faces more than a dozen charges from his efforts to change Georgia’s 2020 election results — a state he lost to Joe Biden. This is the fourth criminal charge again...

Trump’s (Georgia) Trial Will Be Televised

In a surprising turn of events, the judge presiding over the high-profile 2020 election interference racketeering case involving former President Donald Trump and 18 co-defendants has given the green light to livestream and televise all proceedings in his courtroom. This unexpected decision, however...

Donald Trump’s Math

Donald Trump has been known to make an endless number of absurd statements during his life in the public eye. Exactly which takes the prize would be a subject for debate among his army of haters. But for me, the remark in which he characterizes himself as a stable genius is the most preposterous. I ...

How to Decode Trump’s Vileness and Biden’s Hollowness

You’re supposed to be shallow for judging a book by its cover. But that’s because a book’s author isn’t usually the same as the artist or editor who chooses the cover to sell the book. Thus, there needn’t be a common vision that unites the book’s contents and t...

Donald Trump’s 11 Best Tweets (and 7,000 Losers)

My tweets are great. Tremendous tweets, the best. All the other tweets… they don’t know what they’re doing. My tweets? Great stuff. Great. 11. I mean, this tweet. This is the best tweet in the world. “Healthy young child goes to doctor, gets pumped with massive sho...

Where Are They Now? Trump’s Black People Didn’t Fare Well

Stacey Dash — “I was the angry, conservative, Black woman.” For a few years, Stacey Dash had achieved a popularity/notoriety she hadn’t achieved since co-starring in the movie Clueless. Stacey was a regular contributor on Fox News, supporting Donald Trump and denouncing Bl...

Trump’s Asking for Contempt Charges

AsDonald Trump’s legal saga continues, with multiple state and federal indictments, and more charges almost certainly on the way in Georgia, the former president is fighting back the only way he knows how: spewing lies and slandering his pursuers. He’s claiming the prosecutions are ...

Trump, DeSantis and Musk: ‘Wah, Wah, Wah…It’s Not My Fault!’

What do Donald Trump, Ron DeSantis and Elon Musk have in common besides being narcissist sociopathic loser douchenozzles? They all blame everyone but themselves for their misfortunes and failures. None take responsibility for their words and actions. None can admit mistake. None of them will ever sa...

One Of Trump’s Letters To Kim Jong Un Just Leaked

I still can’t get over the gracious words you used to describe me in your last letter. How beautifully you described my unparalleled genius really touched my heart, and I’ll long be thankful for your recognition of how big my hands are and how mean the fake news media are when they say m...

Trump’s Republican Club painting and what it means

You don’t need a degree in art history or even a half-decent eye to know that the painting, recently discovered to be hanging on a wall in the White House, is one hell of a piece of art. The image shows Trump, centre-stage, at an imagined drinks table. He is surrounded on all sides by previ...

Donald Trump’s Georgia Indictment Will Finish Him, If It Gets There

I still don’t think Donald Trump will go to jail for any of the four (current) indictments against him. With that said, the Georgia indictment is the strongest to date. There’s one main reason why it will finish him once and for all, if allowed to reach a jury verdict and sente...

Trump’s Georgia Trial Will Be Live Streamed on YouTube

Want to know how to get into the circus for free? It’s easy. Just subscribe to the Fulton County court’s YouTube channel. Trump’s election interference trial in Georgia will be livestreamed on the court’s YouTube channel and you know that it will be a circus. ...

Glenn Youngkin’s Dangerous Take on Trump’s Indictment

Since the news broke of Trump’s indictment in connection with the classified documents he misappropriated in 2021, I have been reading the reactions of Republicans. I was disgusted that most of them chose to condemn the indictments before even reading the details. I was frightened by...

Trump’s Genius Has United Iran and Russia On A Corridor That Rivals Suez

The residue of Donald Trump’s strategic actions are still driving global projects that leave democratic interests behind, in this case a railway project in the oil-rich Middle East that greatly enriches Russia and Iran. The man who never ran a successful business in his life and who is&nbsp...