Trump’s Questionnaire For All His 2nd Term Appointees Just Leaked

<ol> <li>In 500 words or more, explain why Donald Trump was a better president than all the others combined.&nbsp;<em>[If you don&rsquo;t include Trump&rsquo;s name in every sentence he&rsquo;s going to get bored and not finish reading it.]</em></li> <li>Do you think Trump could date Ivanka if she weren&rsquo;t his daughter, and why?</li> <li>If you have a law degree, are you willing to be disbarred in service of Trump&rsquo;s legal defense with some light obstruction of justice, witness intimidation, and/or perjury?</li> <li>Please list 3 &ldquo;outside-the-box&rdquo; ideas for how Trump can delay his criminal trials.</li> <li>If Trump was to give you a box of documents for safekeeping, where would you hide it from the FBI&rsquo;s prying eyes?</li> <li>What are your thoughts on hanging Mike Pence?</li> <li>Are you good at determining the difference between high-end hotels and landscaping companies?</li> <li>List all the Russians you are on good terms with, and detail how closely connected to Vladimir Putin they are.</li> <li>If you see Trump cheating at golf, will you keep your mouth shut?</li> <li>If you see Trump cheating on Melania, will you keep your mouth shut?</li> <li>Describe Trump&rsquo;s hand size in 100 words or less.</li> <li>Do you promise to never bring up God, Jesus, the Bible, the 2020 election, January 6th, 2016&rsquo;s popular vote, Barack Obama, windmills, water pressure, blood pressure, his weight, adult diapers, either of his two impeachments, the state of Georgia, Jeff Sessions, Bill Barr, Chris Christie, any of his bankruptcies, his hair, or his facial makeup?</li> </ol> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>