Donald Trump’s Math

<p>Donald Trump has been known to make an endless number of absurd statements during his life in the public eye. Exactly which takes the prize would be a subject for debate among his army of haters. But for me, the remark in which he characterizes himself as a stable genius is the most preposterous. I offer two videos in support of my opinion.</p> <p>The first is a clip from the Howard Stern Show on which Donald and two of his children brag that admission to the Wharton School cannot be accomplished via legacy &mdash; and rather is solely based on merit (this part is not in the following video).</p> <p>After the Trump family makes this assertion, Howard asks the trio &ldquo;How much is 17 x 6?&rdquo; This is a question I could have answered correctly and almost immediately. And I&rsquo;m no genius!</p> <p>None of the Trumps responds correctly. Donald asserts with conviction that 1112 is the correct answer. The accurate computation is 102. 1112 is on the high side &mdash; and more or less in line with Trump&rsquo;s general tendency to exaggerate. Here&rsquo;s the clip:</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Math Trump’s