What would Trump’s re-election mean for Ukraine?

<p><em>Despite a wide range of ongoing legal proceedings, former US President Donald Trump appears on track to secure the Republican nomination for the presidency. While the domestic and international implications of a second Trump administration are difficult to predict fully, one area of concern is how his possible re-election might affect United States&rsquo; and western support for Ukraine.</em></p> <p><em>Drawing on their research in</em>&nbsp;International Affairs<em>, Ruth Deyermond, Juliet Kaarbo, Kai Oppermann and Ryan Beasley answer questions about the Trump administration&rsquo;s approach to Russia and Ukraine, Biden&rsquo;s role in coordinating the West&rsquo;s response to the invasion and the ways a re-elected President Trump might affect the US response to the conflict.</em></p> <h2>How did the Trump presidency affect US support for Ukraine?</h2> <p><strong>Juliet Kaarbo, Kai Oppermann and Ryan Beasley:&nbsp;</strong>In many ways, Trump continued the foreign policies from the Obama administration. The United States maintained Ukraine-related sanctions on Russia, the US and NATO increased their military presence in eastern Europe, and the Trump administration (eventually) approved military aid to Ukraine, including the sale of Javelin missiles. But Trump himself was never committed to supporting Ukraine; his approach to Ukraine was highly erratic and created great uncertainty about enduring US support.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/international-affairs-blog/what-would-trumps-re-election-mean-for-ukraine-20424bc0846c"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>