It Was Always Him, Not Us: How Trump’s Mug Shot Revealed Who The Real Criminal Is

<p>Former U.S. President and Inmate No. P01135809 Donald Trump&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">surrendered</a>&nbsp;at the Fulton County jail on August 25. He faces more than a dozen charges from his efforts to change Georgia&rsquo;s 2020 election results &mdash; a state he lost to Joe Biden. This is the fourth criminal charge against the 2020 election loser this year.</p> <p>The Fulton County jail processed Trump, and he was released on bond.&nbsp;And then, it happened &mdash; the moment so many waited for &mdash; the release of&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">Trump&rsquo;s mug shot</a>. There were cheers. There were celebrations (a friend of mine made lemon pie). There were jokes. There were memes.</p> <p>However, many Black people seemed particularly overjoyed seeing 45&rsquo;s mug shot. There was laughter, applause, and again, lemon pie. Black Twitter (with Twitter now absurdly named &ldquo;X&rdquo;) repeatedly posted Trump&rsquo;s mug shot next to pictures of Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Barack Obama laughing. The strongest and loudest reactions I witnessed by far have been from other Black people. As for me, I&rsquo;m pretty chill. I simply smirked, nodded, and celebrated with some mint chocolate chip ice cream.</p> <p>The thought I had was,&nbsp;<em>&ldquo;About time he got what he deserved.&rdquo;</em>&nbsp;And then my mind wandered to the number of times he criminalized Black people, not just during his presidency, but throughout his career and possibly throughout his existence. And then, I thought, &ldquo;It was always him, not us.&rdquo;</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>