Free Insults For Trump’s Primary Opponents To Use

<ol> <li>Donald Trump&rsquo;s tough guy branding is dangerously dependent on his hair not getting wet in the rain. He skips out on WWII memorials and holding umbrellas over his wife&rsquo;s head to protect his nasty, fake hair combed over badly from getting moist.</li> <li>Donald Trump&rsquo;s depraved, unquenchable thirst for gauche iconification has made him the savior for an electorally declining conservative movement absorbed in an insular zeitgeist of xenophobia and ends-justify-the-means political villainy. Or, in simpler terms, fascist.</li> <li>Trump calls everything &ldquo;the best,&rdquo; &ldquo;the worst,&rdquo; and &ldquo;tremendous&rdquo; because he doesn&rsquo;t have the cognizance to describe nuance or complexity. People who can&rsquo;t explain things don&rsquo;t understand them. His basic, superlative vocabulary betrays a bad case of toddler brain. He quite literally speaks at an elementary school level.</li> </ol> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>