Trump’s Indictment Interference

<p>Donald Trump vomits non-stop that President Joe Biden, democrats, RINO Republicans, the courts, judges and prosecutors are all engaging in what he calls&nbsp;<em>election interference</em>. That, as always, it&rsquo;s all just one big fat Deep-State conspiracy against him. That, contrary to everything he&rsquo;s been charged with, he&rsquo;s actually a good, kind, decent, honest, innocent person&hellip;and the most undeserving victim of the worst persecution in political history.</p> <p>This whiny, pissy, grievance-obsessed serial-criminal and traitor is having a hard time accepting the fact that he&rsquo;s no longer sitting in the corner office at Trump Tower where he was accustomed to doing and saying whatever the fuck he wanted with impunity. He can&rsquo;t accept that he is&nbsp;<em>not&nbsp;</em>above the law. That his four indictments, four arrests and 91 felony charges are the direct and exclusive result of&nbsp;<em>his</em>&nbsp;behavior and no one else&rsquo;s.</p> <p>Trump likes to blame others for his criminality. And he&rsquo;s a master at projection. He foolishly believes that if he simply accuses&nbsp;<em>others</em>&nbsp;of doing all the bad shit&nbsp;<em>he</em>&nbsp;does, we won&rsquo;t notice. Except we have the receipts. The audio. Video. The testimony of former aides, staff and other witnesses &mdash; and now co-conspirators and co-defendants &mdash; who, one by one, have come to the very practical conclusion that they ain&rsquo;t goin&rsquo; to prison for this corrupt, treasonous POS who&rsquo;d never ever return even an ounce of loyalty.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>