Tag: Technology

MIT May Have Just Developed The Ultimate Climate Technology

Over the past century or so, we humans have inflicted a lot of damage to this precious planet’s climate systems. In fact, we are still harming it at a record pace, with some of the highest levels of carbon emissions ever seen. As such, if we want to avoid a climate catastrophe, we no...

My Solution To The Dev Skills Crisis: Much Smaller Teams

Putting my Iconoclast hat on temporarily, I just wanted to share a thought that I’ve harbored almost my entire career: why aren’t very small teams (1–2 developers) the default model in our industry? I think back to products I’ve used that were written and maintained by a s...

How I Reversed My Diabetes Using New Technology and Data Science

Early in 2021, I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes. After a blood test, my HbA1c — a measure of average blood sugar levels over the past three months — came back as 49 (6.6 in the US metric). In the UK, a HbA1C level of 41 (5.9) or below is considered healthy, 42–47 (6.0–6.4...

From the Diamond to the Keyboard: Exploring the Overlapping Worlds of Baseball and Technology

I’m Mac Hendrix, a 12-year-old boy who loves playing travel baseball and has a keen interest in technology. While baseball and technology may seem worlds apart, they’re actually converging more than ever, especially within the MLB. Notable technologies making waves in the baseball realm ...

Top 10 Technology Trends Shaping Business Transformations

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, businesses must adapt to technological advancements to stay competitive. But with so many new technologies emerging, it can be difficult for business leaders to know where to focus their investments. In this article we’ll explore the top 10 techno...

Technology. (Poem)

In epochs past, as tales were spun From the shadow of the stone to the warmth of the sun Man’s journey forward has begun Yet technology’s tale remains the unsung one. From quill and parchment to the printing press Our thirst for innovation, we could not suppress But tod...

What are the positive effects of technology on beauty?

If I were to ask for your opinion about the integration of beauty and technology, your response would most likely be negative. For starters, having witnessed the damaging impacts of social media on our self-esteem, it’s become increasingly difficult not to associate platforms like Inst...

Nuclear Energy Is About To Get A Whole Lot Safer Thanks To This Burgeoning Technology

When you picture nuclear energy, you most likely think of one of two things. Either, you see it as an Uber clean energy source, capable of powering us into a carbon-neutral utopia, or you picture a dangerous atomic nightmare, akin to the three-eyed fish swimming in the radioactive waste water of Mr ...

Artistic Autonomy Through Technology: DAOs Set Artist Groups Free

For creative communities, maintaining independence and retaining control over their work is imperative. However, art collectives often face challenges pooling resources, managing shared assets, and governing decision-making democratically without centralized entities imposing rules. Photo by ...

Scientist Develops Technology To Make Space Telescopes 866% More Sensitive Than JWST

We are living in an era of unprecedented scientific discovery powered by mega space telescopes. Hubble, Kepler and JWST have enabled astronomers to peer deeper into the cosmos than ever before and have helped us gleam astonishing levels of detail from some of the universe’s most mysterious obj...

The Exciting Frontier of Emerging Technology Trends.

As someone who has always been fascinated by technology’s ever-changing landscape, plunging into the world of rising tech trends seems like beginning on an adventurous voyage into uncharted territory. The horizons are blazing with potential, with two themes in particular, AI and Blockchain, st...

How I Reversed My Diabetes Using New Technology and Data Science

Early in 2021, I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes. After a blood test, my HbA1c — a measure of average blood sugar levels over the past three months — came back as 49 (6.6 in the US metric). In the UK, a HbA1C level of 41 (5.9) or below is considered healthy, 42–47 (6.0–6.4...

The Torn Posters in the Paris Metro (September 2023)

One of the most important words in the French language is la rentrée — the return, as it were, to normalcy. After a few weeks of summer holidays, which French people seem to take very, very seriously, la rentrée marks the start of the academic and working year...

Strava, The World’s Sweetest Social Network

The ills of social media are well known by now. You’ve got sociopathic big-tech algorithms ceaselessly scrounging for hot-button posts that rile the masses. You’ve got doomscrolling. You’ve got trolling and dogpiling and entirely new bespoke forms of coordinated harassment being...

Why I don’t charge a single cent for my UX side projects

So before people tell me my title is click-bait, I actually do get paid for most of my projects. But it is 100% up to the discretion of the ones who engage in my services. I do not quote a price, I don’t charge a rate, and I do all the work upfront with zero expectation to be paid. ...

BlogWithIEEECS: The Frontier of Psychedelic Technology

In an ever-changing technological landscape that is a constant source of innovation, an interesting and unusual trend is emerging: Psychedelic Technology. This exciting fusion of psychedelic and technological worlds pushes boundaries and opens new doors for research, creativity and healing. Ima...

How to Document Your Current Enterprise Architecture & Technology

One of the holy grails for an Enterprise Architect is a document (including or accompanied by diagrams and spreadsheets) that captures everything in the Information Technology domain of the organisation. This core EA artefact is the current Enterprise Architecture & Technology Document,&...

Unlock the Power of Microservices: Building Your First Service

Welcome to the era of microservices! In today’s tech landscape, where scalability, flexibility, and speed are top priorities, microservices have emerged as a game-changer. By breaking monolithic applications into smaller, independent services, microservices architecture enables agile developme...

Headlines Today in Finance, Technology & Politics — Sep. 13, 2023

Google in court over monopoly allegations. Apple’s new iPhone 15 will have a USB-C charging port and 4X more camera megapixels. New York City is facing a migrant crisis, with the left arguing that the city can afford to help and the right arguing that the crisis has been caused by lax federal ...

FAA Upgrades Wrong-Surface Alert Technology

If your Uber driver drops you off at the wrong location, it’s not the end of the world. But if a pilot lines up to land on a taxiway instead of a runway, the stakes are life and death. To help prevent these wrong-surface landings, the FAA completed enhancing the ground radar systems at 43 m...

Building Relationships in the Technology Industry

Strong relationships are crucial for success in the technology industry. Companies that prioritize relationship-building gain a competitive edge, foster collaboration, and create growth opportunities in this highly competitive and fast-paced sector. Fostering a culture of collaboration ...

5 Most Exciting Gaming Technology Trends in 2023

In the constantly changing realm of gaming, maintaining a competitive edge is of utmost importance. As we enter 2023, the gaming industry is poised for a revolution, and Game Development Company are at the forefront of these transformative changes. In this blog post, we will explore the fi...

Ep. 365 Illia Pashkov | The Evolution of Modern Technology

On episode 365 of the BlockHash Podcast, Futurist and Entrepreneur Illia Pashkov joins Brandon Zemp to discuss his work in Web3 as a business developer and creative director for multiple projects, including the Founder of Altar Metaverse. He has a passion for innovation, sustainability and technolog...

Title: "The Rise of the Metaverse: Exploring the Future of Technology"

In the ever-evolving tech landscape, the term has become a buzzword in recent years - the Metaverse. From science fiction to real-world applications, the Metaverse concept is quickly becoming a reality and promises to change the way we live, work and play. In this blog, we will explore what the Meta...

Title: "The Rise of the Metaverse: Exploring the Future of Technology"

In the ever-evolving tech landscape, the term has become a buzzword in recent years - the Metaverse. From science fiction to real-world applications, the Metaverse concept is quickly becoming a reality and promises to change the way we live, work and play. In this blog, we will explore what the Meta...

Picnic welcomes Sander Mak as Director of Technology

It’s no secret that Picnic has ambitious goals for the future. To reach these goals, we will need a strong development team, and someone to lead them. That’s why we are thrilled to announce that Sander Mak will join Picnic as Director of Technology! Before joining us, Sander...

Barcelona: A Smart City Evolution Inspired by Heritage and Technology

Urban development has come a long way from merely constructing buildings and laying roads. The advent of technology has sparked a revolution in how we imagine and shape our cities. Leading the charge in this new era of urban development is Barcelona, a city that artfully balances its rich cultural h...

MWC Barcelona 2024: A Glimpse into the Future of Mobile Technology

The Mobile World Congress (MWC) is an event that technology enthusiasts and industry leaders eagerly anticipate. MWC Barcelona 2024 is no exception, promising to be a groundbreaking event that showcases the latest innovations and trends in mobile technology. In this article, we’ll delve into t...

BSV blockchain at GITEX Global 2023: Showcasing real industry solutions utilizing blockchain technology

Described as the largest tech event in 2023, GITEX Global is hosting 6,000 exhibitors and 180,000 tech executives from 180 countries, showcasing the latest innovations in the areas of artificial intelligence (AI), the cloud, Web 3.0, cybersecurity, climate technology, digital cit...

Dubai: Where Luxury and Technology Converge

Dubai, located in the United Arab Emirates, is renowned for its opulent lifestyle, technological advancements, and exclusive tourist destinations that mesmerize global visitors. Let us delve into the enchanting world of Dubai and explore its breathtaking skyscrapers and awe-inspiring architecture...

The most important bike technology is … street design

Recent years have seen a surge in bicycle technology as transformative as anything since the penny-farthing gave way to the safety bike. Bike-share systems provide access to bikes without the troubles of parking or storage. Electric bikes boost the length of an acceptable ride far beyond what t...

Off the Grid in the City of Angels: A Day Without Technology in LA

Picture this: a sunny morning in the City of Angels, but with a suprprise. As the clock strikes midnight, an enchanting spell descends upon Los Angeles, rendering all technology useless for the next 24 hours. No smartphones, no social media, no Google Maps — it’s a day when we’re f...

Bettering Lives Through Technology

I’ve had a pretty varied career so far. I have a medical background, meaning that I worked in clinical medicine most of the time, but definitely, in keeping with the theme of my big year, I think My Big Year was 2018 and that was my last year of med school. I started realizing that I wanted to...

What Happens To All The Obsolete Technology?

Manufacturers of consumer goods have it tough. In today’s era of rapid technological development, they feel tremendous pressure to regularly introduce new products. As consumers, we’ve grown used to the idea that every year our gadgets are going to get significantly better. So much so...

The Intersection of Technology and Philanthropy: My Journey to Impact

As I reflect on my journey, I am reminded of the intricate dance between my career in technology and my passion for philanthropy. It’s a story that began over 25 years ago, rooted in the pursuit of knowledge and the desire to make a difference. The Genesis: A Path of Learning My adventur...

Pinterest’s new technology is revolutionary

We are seeing an increase in companies that have started to speak to and implement diversity and inclusion initiatives as a core part of their company values, and we love to see it. Photo by Souvik Banerjee on Unsplash Pinterest, however, is taking some impressive steps towa...

Sparkling long-lasting inclusive technology

Technology shines bright lights and casts long shadows. When this spotlight is used correctly, it augments our senses, expands our minds and connects us in pulsating collectives of endless possibilities of what we can achieve. It is easy to be blinded by the flickering lights of the next innovati...

Unraveling Cold Cases: The Power of DNA Technology in Identifying Victims

The emergence of DNA technology has significantly altered the landscape of criminal investigations and victim identification. DNA profiling, pioneered by Sir Alec Jeffreys in the 1980s, marked a pivotal breakthrough in forensic science. This technique enables the extraction of a unique genetic finge...


It gives me great pleasure to be here this evening to address you as part of this magnificent conference; an occasion that calls for us all to reflect on the current and foreseeable interactions between technology, business and the law. And how timely an invitation this is because, in my view at lea...

Diving into the world of legal technology

Four years ago, my journey into the realm of coding began. At that time, I was certain of my desire to pursue a career in law, yet technology was increasingly capturing my interest. I faced a dilemma: should I follow the path of the law or embrace the burgeoning tech world? I ultimately chose law. ...

Digital Twin Technology Will Change Logistics

As of 2022, the global market for digital twins was valued at $11.12 billion. — and experts estimate an impressive annual growth rate of 37.5% from 2023 to 2030. Digital twins help connect the physical and virtual worlds, allowing workers to timely identify when things need fixing, wor...

Incorporating technology in businesses

In today’s ever-evolving world, embracing technology has become essential for businesses to stay relevant and continue solving the cargo industry’s most pressing challenges. As technology continues to grow, businesses need to adapt to the changes that come with it and recognize the be...

Algorithms and Filters Used in Self-Driving Technology

Introduction Self-driving technology is a complex field that relies on algorithms and filters to interpret sensor data, make decisions, and control the vehicle. In this section, we will explore the different types of algorithms and filters used in self-driving technology, explaining them in layma...

Camera Technology in Self-Driving Cars

Percepting the environment around an autonomous vehicle (AV) is essential before path planning and control of the AV. There are four main sensors used for this task in AVs: Lidar, Radar, Vision and Sonar. Although there has been a debate of the sensor suite needed among the companies working on the ...

The Importance of Collaborating with Technology Providers for Trucking Companies

The trucking industry stands at the forefront of global commerce, transporting goods across vast distances with unwavering efficiency. In today’s fast-paced world, fueled by burgeoning e-commerce and ever-increasing consumer demands, the trucking landscape is evolving at an unprecedented pace....

Why Trucking Companies Need to Embrace Technology Now More Than Ever

One of the most important ways for trucking firms to keep ahead of the competition is to embrace technology. From data analytics and automation to new hardware and software solutions, technology is altering the trucking industry and giving businesses new opportunities to improve operations, cut cost...

The Evolution of Space Technology: New Frontiers

In the grand theater of human endeavor, few stages are as vast or compelling as the limitless expanse of outer space. As we stand on the cusp of a new era, space technology has undergone a rapid evolution, accelerating at unprecedented speeds to bring us to the frontier of Sci-Fi turning reality. Th...

How Technology Painted the Canvas of History, and What Does the Future Hold?

Imagine humanity as a vast canvas, stretching back over millennia. Upon it, technology has wielded its brushstrokes, painting a vibrant picture of progress, upheaval, and adaptation. From the simple flint tool that chipped away at the stone age to the smartphone clutched in countless hands today, ea...

The Impact of Biometric Technology on Personal Security

Harmonized into our vast landscape of technology is an innovation that has become an integral component, aimed to shape the way we approach personal security. Your voice, fingerprints, and iris, have found new purpose due to this revolution. It’s almost like they’ve morphed into a more a...

The Future of Technology: Predictions for 2025

Introduction In this rapidly evolving digital era, the future of technology holds endless possibilities and promises. As we move forward into 2025, technological advancements continue to shape our lives, businesses, and society as a whole. This article delves into the exciting predictions for the...

The Technology Long Booms that Remade the World from 2020 to 2050

arrival of the year 2100. The esteemed journalist and author started out with an overview of the critical years from 2020 to 2050 in the first installment, and here he focuses first on the huge advances in what was then called infotech that led to an unexpected explosion of innovation. He then ...

Dawn of a Disruptive Technology

The Story behind the $ECET-Token We would like to start our first article on Medium with some background information about who writes here and what you can expect from us. We are a small group of private investors based in German-speaking countries (Germany, Austria and Switzerland) ...

Genetic Engineering: designing a sgRNA using Benchling and CRISPR Cas9 Gene Editing Technology

In this article, I am going to explain genetic engineering and introduce gene editing for medical applications. I will then, describe the working of CRISPR, which is the next big thing when it comes to genome editing technology. You will want to stick around till the end of ...

Top 5 Emerging Technologies in Medical Lab Technology

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are revolutionizing medical lab technology by enhancing data analysis and decision-making processes. Large volumes of data, including test results, patient records, and medical literature, may be efficiently analyzed by AI algorithms to find trends, forec...

Neuralink’s First Human Patient Controls Computer Mouse with Mind

A breakthrough in brain-computer interface technology has been achieved by Neuralink, a company founded by Elon Musk. The first human patient with a Neuralink chip in their brain can control a computer mouse with their mind. The chip was inserted in January, and the patient has shown no signs of com...

Tr-3b — Alien Technology Patent?

Where did these charts come from? Original US Patent 20060145019 A1 for a triangular ship known in exopolitics as the abbreviation TR-3B! A spacecraft that is triangular with vertical electrostatic charges that generate at each of its corners a horizontal electric field parallel to the sides of t...

[EN] EO Sterilisation Technology

At Medistri, we’re focused on using our resources to combat climate change. We believe our commitments are both ambitious and necessary. To achieve our objectives, we focus on scalable innovation. Designing and implementing new technologies, mobilising financing structures, and rapidly deployi...

Quantum Entanglement, Psychedelia, and Secret Alien Technology

Once, Stanford scientist Garry Nolan heretical hypothesized that alien material may be held by private defense contractors to circumvent public oversight. Recently, whistleblower David Grusch testified before Congress and made similarly sensational claims. Previous directors of the Lockheed Marti...

AI assisted Restoration: Time Travel Through Creative Technology

In this Medium Story, we’ll explore a creative technology case study that documents the journey of a creative technologist who traveled thousands of kilometers to capture and restore damaged artifacts and artworks using AI. Discover the potential of AI in preserving and revitalizing cultural t...

Computer Vision for Cultural Heritage Preservation: Unlocking the Past with Advanced Imaging Technology

Preserving our cultural legacy is critical because it allows us to remain in touch with our past, learn our roots, and appreciate humanity's rich history. However, many cultural relics are fragile, susceptible to degradation, or threatened by destruction. This is when computer vision's power...

Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is?

You might expect Andrew Novick to be the punctual sort. After all, he’s an electrical engineer who back in 1999 created the time.gov web clock that reveals the official exact time across all US time zones. But Novick is seldom on time, and like many of us, he wishes there were more o...

The Philosophy of Technology: Tracing its Origins from Ancient Greece to the Modern Era

The philosophy of technology is an interdisciplinary field that seeks to understand the nature of technology, its development, and its impact on human society and culture. This branch of philosophy has evolved significantly throughout history, with key thinkers and ideas shaping its development f...

Adobe and Christian Cowan unveil a dress featuring Adobe Primrose technology.

Adobe Illustrator was used to sketch the patterns and digitally map the positions of the petals, while Adobe After Effects was used for the moving graphics. Adobe and fashion designer Christian Cowan have joined forces to create the first electronically reconfigurable garment using Adobe Primrose...

How 3D Fashion Design Technology Saves Your Time

A decade ago, speed was still an advantage of fashion brands. However, it is now a basic requirement for apparel production. Huge successes of fast fashion brands, like Zara, Topshop, etc., proved that the secret of following the fashion is not just a unique style, but also a high speed. 3D techn...

Fashion & Technology Series: CLO

The first technology that I want to cover in the Fashion and Technology Series is the software CLO— a 3D fashion design software program creating virtual, true-to-life garment visualization with cutting-edge simulation technologies for the fashion industry. Although cutting-edge, this software...

Fashion & Technology Series: Patternmaking

Atthe Ruam agency, we really want to focus on efforts on venturing into the web3 space. This means creating products, services, and experiences that utilize blockchain, the metaverse, and our digital environments. Because of this, I think that I will start to move the agency in a different direction...

What are the positive effects of technology on beauty?

If I were to ask for your opinion about the integration of beauty and technology, your response would most likely be negative. For starters, having witnessed the damaging impacts of social media on our self-esteem, it’s become increasingly difficult not to associate platforms like Inst...

Morpheus8 at Athena Dermatology Clinic: The power of skincare technology.

Imagine yourself in a serene treatment room at Athena Dermatology Clinic, enveloped in a sense of anticipation and eagerness as you await the transformative experience ahead. Suddenly, the door opens, and in strides Dr. Parul Thakur, a renowned authority in the field of skincare, radiating confidenc...


Vendors need data from dealerships to run their operations effectively. For example, a vendor that assists with dealership marketing efforts will need specific data such as inventory data, services, customer actions, website data, and more.  ‍The sheer amount of data is beneficial to ven...


Whether you’re a car lover, automotive enthusiast, data geek, or industry pro, you’ll love our 15 picks for the best automotive newsletters. These aren’t just any newsletters; they’re ones you’ll actually read. We’ve made sure of it. The automotive indu...