Fashion & Technology Series: CLO

<p>The first technology that I want to cover in the Fashion and Technology Series is the software CLO&mdash; a 3D fashion design software program creating virtual, true-to-life garment visualization with cutting-edge simulation technologies for the fashion industry. Although cutting-edge, this software is not one of a kind. There is other fashion design software on the market that individuals or companies can use to create 3D materials for their avatars or environments. Some of these software&#39;s, like Marvelous Designer, revel in the fact that most of their user base are video game designers and 3D artists, and because of this there is a high chance that most metaverse accessories will be created using that platform. However, CLO works just as well and is considered to be premier in the fashion industry &mdash; which is why this is our design software of choice.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>