Camera Technology in Self-Driving Cars

<p>Percepting the environment around an autonomous vehicle (AV) is essential before path planning and control of the AV. There are four main sensors used for this task in AVs: Lidar, Radar, Vision and Sonar. Although there has been a debate of the sensor suite needed among the companies working on the self-driving car technology especially Lidar and Radar; but they all agree on one sensor that is vision sensor or camera.</p> <h1>Camera Working Principle</h1> <p>Cameras work on the basic principle of landing the light emitted from the objects on a photosensitive surface through a lens. The photosensitive surface also called the image plane is where the light is stored as an image. After a light passes through the lens, the light sensitive surface converts those rays into electrons, those electrons are then converted to voltage, amplified, passed through an Analog-Digital Converter (ADC) and converted to a number in a metric unit or pixels.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>