Technology. (Poem)

<p>In epochs past, as tales were spun</p> <p>From the shadow of the stone to the warmth of the sun</p> <p>Man&rsquo;s journey forward has begun</p> <p>Yet technology&rsquo;s tale remains the unsung one.</p> <p>From quill and parchment to the printing press</p> <p>Our thirst for innovation, we could not suppress</p> <p>But today&rsquo;s wonders, shining brighter than the rest</p> <p>Are tech-driven marvels, truly the best</p> <p>From bytes and bits to vast digital seas</p> <p>The humming servers, and cool silicon breeze</p> <p>Data travels fast, across virtual trees</p> <p>The globe is united, as if with ease.</p> <p>Screens illuminate, with stories untold</p> <p>Silent companions, from young to the old</p> <p>Worlds imagined, futures to behold</p> <p>All in the heart of circuits bold.</p> <p>In our pockets, the cosmos confined</p> <p>Starlit galaxies, within screens they are aligned.</p> <p>To the boundless internet, our souls intertwined</p> <p>Seeking, discovering, always refined.</p> <p>No more is knowledge held in tight keep</p> <p>For through the web, it dives deep</p> <p>A whisper across mountains, valleys, and steep</p> <p>Gathering momentum, a force that doesn&rsquo;t sleep.</p> <p>Dreamers envision creators give form</p> <p>In this digital age, norms transform</p> <p>With every algorithm, a new brainstorm</p> <p>Tech&rsquo;s mighty tempest defies any storm.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>