Headlines Today in Finance, Technology & Politics — Sep. 13, 2023
<p>Google in court over monopoly allegations. Apple’s new iPhone 15 will have a USB-C charging port and 4X more camera megapixels. New York City is facing a migrant crisis, with the left arguing that the city can afford to help and the right arguing that the crisis has been caused by lax federal immigration enforcement. Fast-food workers in California are set to get a pay raise to $20/hour under a new deal between unions and the restaurant industry.</p>
<li>The volume of options trading has skyrocketed in recent years, especially among amateur investors.</li>
<li>MGM Resorts stock slipped after a cybersecurity issue.</li>
<p><img alt="" src="https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:875/1*6UbeAFvQswS5VJcbPPO6JQ.png" style="height:84px; width:700px" /></p>
<p>Yesterday’s Market Close</p>
<li>Apple’s new iPhone 15 will have a USB-C charging port, 4X more camera megapixels, and the ability to capture spatial videos. It will also be made with more sustainable materials.</li>
<li>Google is being sued by the DOJ for maintaining a monopoly in the search engine market.</li>
<li>DLA Piper is setting up a new department to advise companies involved in commercial space exploration.</li>
<li>Meta is donating VR headsets to universities.</li>
<p><a href="https://medium.com/areas-producers/headlines-today-in-finance-technology-politics-sep-13-2023-127afa8114b9"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>