Tag: tale

A tale from 30 years of HTML

In a few days the Hypertext Markup Language known to most simply as “HTML” will turn 30 years old. After the release of its first version back on November 3rd, 1992 its come a long way. A very long way. “Back in my days, we used to stuff the HTML code as resources into our CGI...

A Tale of Two Marriages

Ibegan to question the various motifs of the white feminist narrative and especially, the high value placed on ‘independence’, when I realized the pain and vulnerability of Kitty’s social situation in comparison with the level of love, respect, security, and sheer adoration that my...

A tale of two livers

TL;DR my friend needed a liver, I happen to have a healthy one. Sharing our story to raise awareness of the importance of organ and tissue donation. This is the first of a two-part story on being a living liver donor. You can read both, or individually as a standalone. The second article “T...

A Tale of Two Recoveries

It would be hard for anyone to argue that the American tech sector is in excellent shape right now. In addition to the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank, Big Tech companies have enacted wave after wave of high-profile layoffs, with thousands of workers unceremoniously dumped (often via emails using&nb...

A Tale of Travel, a Tale of Family, a Tale of Snails

To the tell all tales, of the end of tails, and the tails which get chased by dogs, do I dedicate my tale, to a frog, and the snails which I solemnly protect. Every rainy time, I walk across my walkway, looking out for snails. I can’t feel pity for them, for God created them in their own ma...

Live Your Best Life- A Tale of Revenge

In life everyone has it tough it’s for the simple fact that life is hard. I can hear some people saying, if you’re born in a family with billions you’ll have it easier. Well believe it or not in some ways not at all, it will always be incomparable to a child that’s dying of ...

A Twist in the Corporate Tale*

“If you wish to persuade me, you must think my thoughts, feel my feelings, and speak my words.” — Cicero Photo by Evangeline Shaw on Unsplash In what seemed like a breezy, informal gathering, a series of unexpected twists awaited us, setting the stage for a...

Subtle Shifts and Vibrant Wings: A Tale of Transformation

The chameleon survives by shifting and adapting to its surroundings to blend in. People often mask their true self to blend in. They may do this as self-protection or as deception. The butterfly goes through a dramatic transformation as it evolves from caterpillar into a vibrant butterfly. As ...

The Foglands: Spinning An Interactive Tale

The origin of The Foglands’ narrative lies in the American Pacific Northwest, where my partner in creative leadership, Marcus Meler, and I are from — but we wouldn’t cross paths until we traveled somewhere much further south. We met as students at Chapman University in Southern Cal...

The Foglands: Spinning An Interactive Tale

The origin of The Foglands’ narrative lies in the American Pacific Northwest, where my partner in creative leadership, Marcus Meler, and I are from — but we wouldn’t cross paths until we traveled somewhere much further south. We met as students at Chapman University in Southern Cal...

Amsterdam: a gastronomic tale

If there is one thing I love to do is spread the world on good food, whether it is a restaurant I just visited or a sourdough bread I just bought. There is something fulfilling about knowing one can be helping to maintain a certain business while at the same time allowing more and more people the...

The Tell-Tale Coat

Gloria moans as the realisation dawns on her — it’s her head. The Buzzing is her head. What, for all that is good and holy, did she get up to last night? Slowly creeping a shaking hand out from under the covers, Gloria feels for a glass of water, anything, to help subdue the pounding in ...

The Extraordinary Life of Maggie Dickson: From Tragedy to Triumph in Scotland’s Haunting Tale

A woman of the 18th century, Margaret “Maggie” Dickson was born in Musselburgh, Scotland, in the early 1700s. At a time when women were expected to marry young, submit to their husbands, and bear children, Maggie Dickson could think of no worse fate for a woman. As a child, she had se...

The Twisted Tale of Richard Cottingham: The Times Square Killer Unmasked

Richard Cottingham, also known as the “Times Square Killer,” the “Torso Killer,” and the “New York Ripper,” is an infamous American serial killer and rapist. Cottingham’s crimes were brutal, involving the rape, torture, and mutilation of his victims. He is c...

Welcome to New York! A true tale of drug addiction, sleeping on the streets and panhandling (begging for money for food)… Part one of long series!

For my 18th and 19th year birthday I chose to celebrate the day of my birth October 16 with being totally away from all the people who hurt me prior birthdays and to not be disappointed by new friends with no knowledge of how I have been made to feel shame and scrubbing toilets before gifts on miles...

Love in the Digital Age: A NYC Romance Tale

Meet Mia, an embodiment of irresistible charm and a wild, untamed spirit. Recently, she embarked on a daring journey, leaving behind the tranquility of a southern town to embrace the pulsating heart of New York City. Her past life had stifled her with unyielding expectations, akin to a shoe that had...

The French Visa Passeport Talent. A Cautionary Tale.

What better adventure for a family with elementary school children than to live abroad for a year or two? For us, all the pieces seemed to fit best to go to Paris: my wife and I both speak decent French, it allows us to see relatives throughout Europe and Paris is, of course, pas mal comme ville. We...

Journey through Shared Spaces: A Reflection on a Tale of Two Cities

As a child, I heard an intriguing anecdote that the last thing a fish recognizes about its surroundings is the water. This early lesson taught me the complexity of unlearning, and how distancing from familiar actions can often lead to a fresh perspective. The journey of an immigrant is a perpetual c...

A Very English Tale

During the morning a thick ground fog enveloped the countryside. Standing atop the hill I saw the tops of several oak and elm trees poking through, brightened by the morning sunshine. This stretch of riverside, between Barden Bridge and Bolton Abbey, is a popular walk in the Yorkshire Dales. It offe...

A Whimsical Christmas Tale:

A squirrel wearing a tiny Christmas hat sitting jauntily on its head was the unexpected hero in a quaint little town where snowflakes danced delicately in the chilly night air. Nobody realized that this animal companion was going to set out on a wacky journey that would give the customary Christmas ...

A Tale of Fate and Encounters

Once upon a time, in a tranquil monastery nestled in the heart of a lush, peaceful valley, there lived a wise and venerable monk. The people from nearby villages would often visit the monk to seek his counsel on life’s mysteries and challenges. One day, a group of villagers gathered around ...

A Tale of Pink and Patronizing: Unraveling the Male Gaze in “Barbie”

So, there’s this scene where Barbie, our protagonist with more layers than a haute couture gown, is traversing the sidewalk when a random male passerby, uninvitedly and disrespectfully, slaps her on the butt. Now, this isn’t just a frivolous scene designed for shock value; it’s a m...

A Tale of Friendship in the Face of Asian Hate

Once upon a time, in a city that never really slept but often dozed off into a restless slumber, there lived a group of friends, each a vibrant color in the tapestry of their tightly-knit community. The city was a melting pot, simmering with the hopes and dreams of many, yet sometimes the heat turne...

The Evolution of the Roman Republic to Empire: A Tale of Power, Politics, and Really Bad Family Dinners

The transformation from the Roman Republic to the Empire is like watching a political chess game where everyone is a pawn and a player, depending on the day. This saga begins with the Roman Republic, a place where the Senate held sway, and power was as divided as opinions at a modern-day internet fo...

A Witch’s Tale: Unraveling the Mystery of ‘Magick’ — Is it Crowley or Century-old?

Hello, my dear readers! I want to share with you a fascinating journey I’ve embarked upon, one that took me into the depths of language, history, and our shared mystical heritage. Have you ever wondered about the word ‘magick’? Yes, that’s right, ‘magick’ with a &...

A Dish with Ancient Roots: The Heartwarming Tale of Jiaozi

The humble dumpling, initially named ‘jiao’er’ or ‘tender ears’, became a symbol of healing and care. As the villagers’ health returned, so did their spirits. The practice of making these dumplings spread, and over time, they evolved into a food of celebratio...

Mesotherapy Tale in Dubai: When Athena Revitalised My Hair

Stepping into my 40s, I found myself attuned to the subtle shifts that life brings, and among them, I noticed changes in the thickness and vitality of my once-lustrous hair. It was a phase of life characterized not only by accumulated wisdom but also a desire to revive the vibrancy of my locks. This...