The Evolution of the Roman Republic to Empire: A Tale of Power, Politics, and Really Bad Family Dinners

<p>The transformation from the Roman Republic to the Empire is like watching a political chess game where everyone is a pawn and a player, depending on the day. This saga begins with the Roman Republic, a place where the Senate held sway, and power was as divided as opinions at a modern-day internet forum. Enter Julius Caesar, the poster child for ambition, who looked at Rome and thought, &ldquo;<strong>Nice place, I think I&rsquo;ll run it</strong>.&rdquo; His decision to cross the Rubicon was the ancient equivalent of hitting &ldquo;send&rdquo; on a particularly aggressive tweet, except it plunged the entire Roman world into chaos.</p> <p>Caesar&rsquo;s eventual assassination in the Senate was Rome&rsquo;s dramatic season finale, leaving everyone wondering, &ldquo;<strong>Who&rsquo;s going to run the show now</strong>?&rdquo; That&rsquo;s where Augustus, or Octavian as he was known before he decided Augustus sounded more regal, steps in. He took the chaos of the post-Caesar world, shook it like a snow globe, and when everything settled, he was standing on top, declaring, &ldquo;I&rsquo;m not a king, but also, I&rsquo;m totally the king.&rdquo;</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: tale Power