A Tale of Travel, a Tale of Family, a Tale of Snails

<p>To the tell all tales, of the end of tails, and the tails which get chased by dogs, do I dedicate my tale, to a frog, and the snails which I solemnly protect.</p> <p>Every rainy time, I walk across my walkway, looking out for snails. I can&rsquo;t feel pity for them, for God created them in their own manner, for their own purpose, but good grief are they slow and fragile &mdash; just like me. I am very slow in some manners of speaking, of an intellect that does not travel far and wide to seek new knowledge. For all the knowledge is within everyone, although, it is good to be cultured. And my culture is the US of A, lots of blondes, lots of jet-skiing, lots of para-sailling, some hiking, K-Mart (when it used to be here), and BlockBuster video where I would rent all my favorite video games.</p> <p>But this was a dedication to all the slimy critters out there. Yes, clams, yummy food. It&rsquo;s not as a delicacy as I like, but I&rsquo;d go to Japanese restaurants and get some stuffed mussels, and they were delicious. Or go out to downtown SF and have some nice seafood on Pier 39.</p> <p>I used to fly all around the country for conventions, they were nice. Airplane rides were fabulous. And flying to a tropical land twice within 5 years was nice as well.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/be-open/a-tale-of-travel-a-tale-of-family-a-tale-of-snails-c87debb09b9"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Travel tale