The Foglands: Spinning An Interactive Tale

<p>The origin of The Foglands&rsquo; narrative lies in the American Pacific Northwest, where my partner in creative leadership, Marcus Meler, and I are from &mdash; but we wouldn&rsquo;t cross paths until we traveled somewhere much further south. We met as students at Chapman University in Southern California and bonded over our shared love of where we grew up (and also cowboys), which ultimately led to a cinematic and prototype for our thesis project: The Foglands. At a student game competition, we were told our idea was too big to become a &lsquo;real&rsquo; game&hellip; so of course we decided to do the only sane thing and build a game studio right out of college that could one day make it a reality, recruiting some of our fellow classmates and friends along the way.</p> <p><img alt="" src="*80n9cTUnzV34x3SL2zc2rg.jpeg" style="height:960px; width:584px" /></p> <p>Marc and I presenting the original Foglands at IEEE</p> <p>Seven or eight years later, Well Told Entertainment has had the incredible opportunity to bring The Foglands to life as a PlayStation Partner. The prototype was originally in third-person, but when Well Told received a free HTC Vive it felt like an opportunity to explore a heightened level of storytelling immersion. Our players could experience greater agency and better connect with the characters in this medium: so we made the switch to VR (and first person!). This was the start of many transformations to come for this dream project of ours!</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>