Tag: Study

These 5 Tips Will Help You Learn Data Science When You Have No Motivation to Study

One day you’re all gung-ho, creating a study schedule to teach yourself data science, and the next you’re finding excuses as to why you don’t have the time to study today. We all know that there are only so many times you can wash the walls of your apartment, clean out your refrige...

A New Science Based Way of Study That You Don’t Know

For everyone, studying is just as crucial as food. It nourishes your mind, much like food nourishes your body. In every walk of life, the importance of learning becomes evident. People who understand the value of studying will never abandon this valuable habit. If you are a studious person see...

How do I manage to study for 12 hours and write a blog post everyday?

Everyone has 24 hours in a day then how are people able to get the maximum out of the day while others struggle even to strike off one task from our to-do list? It all boils down to one thing and that’s time management. If you master one skill then master time rest everything will just follow....

Case Study: Fulfill. Web Design and Illustration Set for 3PLs Marketplace

Welcome to review a fresh case study about the design process for another service helping businesses work more efficiently. In today’s case study, we unveil the creative story behind website design and custom illustration set the tubik agency team made for Fulfill, the marketplace wh...

Privacy in the Metaverse might be Impossible (new research study)

A new paper from the University of California Berkeley reveals that privacy may be impossible in the metaverse without innovative new safeguards to protect users. Led by graduate researcher Vivek Nair, the recently released study was conducted at the Center on Responsible De...

4 amazing places to study in Barcelona

The time to study is coming… but where? From today, finding a good place to study in Barcelona is going to be easier than ever. There are no more excuses not to sink your elbows in :) At Uniplaces we have created a metro map of Barcelona with the best places to study: cafes and restaurants...

Week 11: A Halloweekend in Dublin and the ‘Study’ Part of Study Abroad

For the last weekend of October, I went to Dublin! I stayed there from October 27th to October 29th. I went there for the Bram Stoker Festival. I was very excited for this festival. I had a course all about Bram Stoker last semester with Dr. Buchelt at UNO, and even wrote one of the best papers I&rs...

Making Friends When You Study Abroad

A very common phrase to hear before you study abroad is, “You’re going to make so many friends!” And there is definite truth to that statement. I made many amazing friends during my quarter abroad, many people that I still keep in touch with despite the distance. However, nobody ne...

Where to actually study/work in Madrid

While looking for similar lists, I have found that many seem to only list very aesthetically pleasing places that aren’t as pleased with laptop users. So after 2 years in Madrid, I have thought to share some of my favorite places to do some serious studying (or not so serious). This list prior...

7 Places to study in Paris

Paris is everything but a quiet city, which can sometimes make it challenging for students to find places to study in Paris where they can work efficiently. You might be tempted to simply head to the nearest Starbucks, but you will quickly notice that they are usually among the most crowded and nois...

What it’s like to study Mandarin in Taiwan

When I was at university, I decided to take up Mandarin classes in my third and fourth year. By the time I graduated, I had three semesters under my belt and wanted to continue. At first, I tried to practice Mandarin where I could — at Chinese restaurants, by seeking Chinese speakers in my ...

Bible Study Guide Day 339: 2 Corinthians 5–9

In his letter to the Corinthians, Paul draws insightful analogies to portray our bodies. He first likened them to fragile jars of clay, and now he extends the comparison by describing them as temporary tents. Just as tents are meant to be temporary dwellings, our earthly bodies are also temporary ve...

Study Reveals Bidenomics’ Impact: 401(k) Losses Raise Concerns for Retirees Nationwide

In an exploration of individual retirement accounts (IRAs) and pension plans, the study exposes huge losses that could significantly delay the retirement plans of countless Americans. The study states that upon assuming office, the Biden administration embarked on an ambitious spending spree al...

Examining the Influence Between NLP and Other Fields of Study

A fascinating aspect of science is how different fields of study interact and influence each other. Many significant advances have emerged from the synergistic interaction of multiple disciplines. For example, the conception of quantum mechanics is a theory that coalesced Planck’s idea of quan...

Understanding the ACEs Study and Its Impact on Justice Systems

The ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences) study is a research study that was conducted in the late 1990s by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Kaiser Permanente. The study sought to examine the relationship between childhood adversity and adult health outcomes, including chronic...

How to Be An Antiracist: An 8-Week Book Study

During the last 8 weeks, I helped to facilitate a book discussion on Ibram X. Kendi’s How to Be an Antiracist. While I was preparing for our meetings, I could not find an online chapter-by-chapter discussion guide. (The official discussion guide includes 13 questions that are no...

Ecology — The Study of Home

It might be a slight tautology to talk about relational ecology, since ecology in itself implies relationship, or at least how the science or study of ecology is described by academia. But I still like it — as it highlights some aspects of what comes with being in a relationship. I found...

An Introduction Into The Study of Genetics

The study of genetics encompasses a vast field that explores the study of heredity, variation, and inheritance. It concerns the transmission of traits from one generation to the next and the molecular mechanisms that underlie these processes. The basic unit of heredity is the gene, which is a segmen...

Study Techniques for Students: Improve Memory and Focus

Imagine you’re a surgeon. A patient’s life hangs in the balance, and you need to recall the right procedure instantly. Medical residents face this kind of pressure all the time, but how do they remember everything they need to know? In 2006, researchers discovered a surprisingly simpl...

How to ‘Properly’ Study Physics (Here Are the Best 6 Tips)

We are born into a physical world; thus nature has endowed us with intuitions for dealing with physical objects. Unfortunately, these intuitions don’t align with the deeper laws of physics discovered by scientists. Most people reason like Aristotle — we think objects stop moving when ...

Hold Time Study Protocol

1.1. Hold time study data shall give the assurance of the maximum allowable hold times for bulk and in-process drug products. Generally, one lot can be used for validating hold times if any inconsistency results were observed then another two lots can be used for this study. 1.2. Althou...

Why Everyone Should Study Copywriting (It’ll Help You Live More Mindfully)

It may look small above water but taking a dive below would blow your mind. Copywriting is similar. Most people see copywriting as a chore or a scam or maybe even a genuine sales tactic used by sleazy salesmen. “They’re just trying to manipulate me to buy their beach ball.” Y...

How to study Portuguese using mobile applications from A0 to C2

If you’re just beginning your journey to learn Portuguese and have no prior experience with the language, Duolingo is the perfect place to start. It offers a well-organized and captivating approach to language acquisition. Beginner-Friendly Learning: Duolingo is designed to be beginner...

Is it a good idea coming to study in Cuba?

Having access to the internet more easily, visiting the programs of large and prestigious universities (and others not so much) around the world, has made me question the quality of the university education I receive in Cuba. Until recently I considered that the preparation we received was quit...