Examining the Influence Between NLP and Other Fields of Study

<p>A fascinating aspect of science is how different fields of study interact and influence each other. Many significant advances have emerged from the synergistic interaction of multiple disciplines. For example, the conception of quantum mechanics is a theory that coalesced Planck&rsquo;s idea of quantized energy levels, Einstein&rsquo;s photoelectric effect, and Bohr&rsquo;s atom model.</p> <p>Developing a better sense of the influence of a field has several benefits, such as understanding what fosters greater innovation and what stifles it, what a field has success at understanding and what remains elusive, or who are the most prominent stakeholders benefiting and who are being left behind.</p> <p><a href="https://towardsdatascience.com/examining-the-influence-between-nlp-and-other-fields-of-study-26e66f79dabb"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Fields Study