How do I manage to study for 12 hours and write a blog post everyday?

<p>Everyone has 24 hours in a day then how are people able to get the maximum out of the day while others struggle even to strike off one task from our to-do list? It all boils down to one thing and that&rsquo;s time management. If you master one skill then master time rest everything will just follow. You will outwork and surprise yourself.</p> <h2>Let me share my routine first.</h2> <h1>Wake up at 4:30 AM.</h1> <p>I know it&rsquo;s pretty early. I like to start my day early because it gives me ample time for myself so that when others wake up, I am already half done with my day. Also, there are health benefits for which I wake up. I freshen up have some water and then write my gratitude list.</p> <h1>Exercise from 5AM</h1> <p>After I am done with morning rituals, I go for a run. A pretty good run. I get ready with my joggers, running shoes, and smartwatch and hit the ground or road. It&rsquo;s usually empty in the morning. I do usually 6/7 k steps and then come back home. Take a good shower and I am on the study table by 6 AM.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Study Manage