How to ‘Properly’ Study Physics (Here Are the Best 6 Tips)

<p>We are born into a physical world; thus nature has endowed us with intuitions for dealing with physical objects. Unfortunately, these intuitions don&rsquo;t align with the deeper laws of physics discovered by scientists.</p> <p>Most people reason like Aristotle &mdash; we think objects stop moving when we stop applying force, that the force on a ball thrown directly up changes continuously, or that when two objects collide, the bigger one exerts a greater force on the smaller one. Instead, we&rsquo;d like them to reason like Newton (and eventually Einstein) &mdash; objects in motion stay in motion without an external force, the force on a ball thrown up is constant (it&rsquo;s just gravity), and every action causes an equal and opposite reaction.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Properly Study