Making Friends When You Study Abroad

<p>A very common phrase to hear before you study abroad is, &ldquo;You&rsquo;re going to make so many friends!&rdquo; And there is definite truth to that statement. I made many amazing friends during my quarter abroad, many people that I still keep in touch with despite the distance. However, nobody necessarily tells you about the process of making these friends. In my experience, I spent my first couple months in Edinburgh either alone, or with my one friend from my home university, Violet. Although I really enjoyed my time that I spent with her, our different schedules didn&rsquo;t always allow us to hang out every time we wanted to, resulting in a lot of lonely nights in my flat. It&rsquo;s very easy to feel guilty about not making friends since there seems to be an invisible pressure hanging over you to have tons of fun while you&rsquo;re abroad. I&rsquo;m here to tell you that that&rsquo;s totally normal and to share my experience so that you know you are never alone abroad, even if you&rsquo;re lacking in the friend department. My experience isn&rsquo;t going to totally mirror what you will go through or what others have gone through, I just hope that I can ease the confusion that comes with the potential loneliness.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Study Abroad