These 5 Tips Will Help You Learn Data Science When You Have No Motivation to Study

<p>One day you&rsquo;re all gung-ho, creating a study schedule to teach yourself data science, and the next you&rsquo;re finding excuses as to why you don&rsquo;t have the time to study today. We all know that there are only so many times you can wash the walls of your apartment, clean out your refrigerator, or walk the dog before you&rsquo;re stuck sitting in front of your computer again, trying to summon some form of excitement for studying.</p> <p>As someone who has been studying data science on the side for four years now, I understand the drain that self-studying can have, especially in the motivation department. However, I&rsquo;ve also become somewhat of an expert in developing methods to have the motivation to study every single day. While some people need the structure of a classroom to get any studying done, it is possible to develop your own practices that can keep you excited to study every day. Well, maybe not excited, but at least able to sit down and focus for a study period every day.</p> <p>Here are five tried and true tips that will help even the most unmotivated individual teach themselves data science.</p> <h1>Use learning resources that keep you moving forward</h1> <p>One of the most important things I&rsquo;ve learned since I started studying data science is that your learning resources can make or break you.</p> <p><a href="">Read More</a></p>