Hold Time Study Protocol

<p><strong>1.1.</strong>&nbsp;Hold time study data shall give the assurance of the maximum allowable hold times for bulk and in-process drug products. Generally, one lot can be used for validating hold times if any inconsistency results were observed then another two lots can be used for this study.</p> <p><strong>1.2.</strong>&nbsp;Although there are no specific regulations or guidance documents on bulk product hold times, GMP dictates that hold times should be validated to ensure that in-process and bulk products can be held, pending the next processing step, without any adverse effect on the quality of the material. Hold time study provides the re-assurance of the quality at each in-process stage.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@shivpharma2016/hold-time-study-protocol-30845b2b62e5"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Study Protocol