Tag: Public

Maybe Better If You Don’t Read This Story on Public WiFi

By Maurits Martijn, from De Correspondent Translated from Dutch by Jona Meijers Illustrations by Kristina Collantes In his backpack, Wouter Slotboom, 34, carries around a small black device, slightly larger than a pack of cigarettes, with an antenna on it. I meet Wouter by chance...

Machine Learning’s Public Perception Problem

I was listening to a podcast recently with an assortment of intelligent, thoughtful laypeople (whose names I will not share, to be polite) talking about how AI can be used in healthcare. I had misgivings already, because they were using the term “AI”, which I find frequently means everyt...

The Sister-in-Law From Hell Who Fat-Shamed Me in Public

The first time we met is still vivid in my mind. It just so happens that my mom and I met her on the same day. Being the religious type, my mother raised her hands in prayer to God and spoke these words…‘if only my son married her’. Surely she could have asked for something dif...

“I Am Not Homophobic, I Just Don’t Like to See Public Affection”

This weekend, I was celebrating my friend Carly’s birthday. She decided to celebrate it in a popular restaurant in my city and have dinner with a group of friends with our partners (most of them from the LGTBQ+ community). At some point during the dinner, Carly’s girlfriend Jane surpr...

“I Am Not Homophobic, I Just Don’t Like to See Public Affection”

This weekend, I was celebrating my friend Carly’s birthday. She decided to celebrate it in a popular restaurant in my city and have dinner with a group of friends with our partners (most of them from the LGTBQ+ community). At some point during the dinner, Carly’s girlfriend Jane surpr...

A Lesson From Public Toilets — The Rule We All Need to Remember

Have you ever faced the daunting task of using a public toilet? Maybe at school or work, where privacy is scarce? Imagine this: You’re in a toilet stall. You’re a little bit nervous as there’s an unsuspecting soul sitting in the next cabin to you. Every sound you ma...

Block Public Access to the S3 bucket!

Introduction Amazon Simple Storage Service (AWS S3) is a strong and well-known tool for keeping and getting data of any size. It’s easy to use, can grow with your needs, and works quickly, which makes it a popular choice for many different kinds of data storage tasks. However, because it&rs...

Stop Paying $3.75 Per Month for a Public IPv4 Address on AWS (Starting Feb 1, 2024)

As you would have read in AWS News Blog, starting February 1, 2024, there’s a new charge for public IPv4 addresses. Now, every public IPv4 address will come with a price tag of $0.005 per IP per hour or $3.75 per month or $45 per year. And yes, that applies whether the address is attached...

Public transport diaries : Part 1

I don’t know who these two gentlemen are and why they have passionate opinions on public transport . But I tend to disagree with both of them. I believe I am not a jerk. I don’t identify as a lesbian and would not call myself rich in this country. I am a decent, straight, working-class ...

The Cynic Greek Philosopher That Masturbated In Public

diogenes of Sinope (404–323 BC) was an active follower of the school of cynicism: the belief that the purpose of life is living in agreement with nature — using only the bare necessities. Just like all other cynics, Diogenes rejected the things that were widely believed to m...

Public Crime: Solving the mystery of the murder of journalist Giorgos Karaivaz

Karaivaz wrote about the arrogance of organized criminal groups with a direct influence on the police apparatus. Gang clearing or “clearing accounts” is very common in Greece. The murders are almost identical to the attack on Karaivaz. Greek police rarely investigate such cases, much les...

Public Art in Barcelona

There’s a certain charm to wandering through city streets and unexpectedly stumbling upon a striking piece of art — as if the city is sharing a secret with you. In Barcelona, you never know what you might stumble upon. Whether it’s a colorful mural tucked away in a side street or a...

Day 204: No public bathroom — Berlin, Germany

Have you, ladies, noticed how bad you feel a week before your period? I’m a pretty dynamic person but since a few years now, the entire week two weeks before the start of the cycle, I’m at my worst. No energy, no motivation, no desire except for chocolate, bath and bad TV. It’s bee...

Case Study — Let’s improve the experience in public hospitals

Hey there! Today, I’m share an exciting case study that emerged during my first project in the UX/UI Design bootcamp. In this journey, we go into the fascinating task of to apply technology to solve problems in the public hospital system. Get ready to dive into the world of user-centered desig...

The Case of the Berlin Public Transport

Berlin has one of the most awesome public transportation systems in the world, I kid you not. Coming from a city with a disastrous transportation options, my opinion might seem exaggerated. But having been in cities like Stockholm, Copenhagen and Singapore, I still think the BVG or Berliner Verkehrs...

Sidelining public life in Copenhagen

I have been lucky enough to observe how the city life of Copenhagen changed during the whole pandemic period from the beginning of the lockdown measures set in the second half of March towards the end of May. I say that I was lucky because from the first days of April I got a job as a food delivery ...

Hong Kong’s Not-So-Public Public Spaces: Privately Owned Public Spaces

In 2008, it was revealed that the security guards of Times Square in Causeway Bay turned away buskers serenading the shoppers in the piazza, and the developer of Metro Harbour View, a private housing estate in Tai Kok Tsui, restricted public access to the public space. The controversies have drawn p...

Bond Street station advertising shows scope of public space commodification

Commuters in London were left confused last week when Bond Street station was changed to ‘Burberry Street’ in collaboration with the fashion house of the same name. Complaints were sent to TfL by travellers who were befuddled during their journeys. Anonymous staff members said that cu...

The State Of Public Space In America Is Disgracefully Abysmal

The other day — as I do most mornings — I was sitting outside a cafe on my neighborhood’s main commercial street. As Los Angeles goes, it’s about as good as it gets. I make the best of it enough to thoroughly enjoy it. As I lingered, an increasing number of people lurked o...

Why Madrid’s Public Transport System Deserves a Standing Ovation

If one were to jot down Europe’s most impressive modern marvels, you’d find a curious entry to architectural wonders and technological advancements: Madrid’s Public Transport System. It’s not just a network of buses, trains, and metros but the lifeline of Spain’s glorio...

Crime In New York City: linking to income and public housing

While this year of 2020 has presented many inconvenience and unknown factors that may happen in the city, public safety still needs to be viewed as an important element in protecting citizens’ lives and facilitating city’s operation. In a sense of knowing more of crime cases happened thi...

Public House at MeetFactory, Prague

MeetFactory is a non-profit organization and contemporary art center in Prague, Czech Republic. It has four departments and the rest of the program is focused on interdisciplinary and educational projects relating to contemporary art. Opening of the Exhibition Oscillations by French...

Where Are All Of San Francisco’s Public Bathrooms? No One Really Knows

Meanwhile, out on the Embarcadero, one of SF’s new “space age” toilets — approved four years ago to replace JCDecaux’s stylish but chronically out of service self-cleaning green kiosks, and appearing on corners in November like sleek silver bullets —&nbs...

For SF Public Schools, It’s a Year of Reform. This Week Underscored How Tough It Will Be

Wayne and the Board of Education committed last year to a comprehensive review of how the district teaches early literacy and middle school math, plus a broad look at high school curriculum and policy. There are signs that the reviews will lead to reform, but plans are still in the works. ...

The Agonizing Potential of the Bay Area’s Public Transit

During this past winter vacation, an old friend from Atlanta visited San Francisco. We ate dinner at Chinatown and explored the night view of downtown SF — all cherished memories. My friend took an Uber ride back to her hotel at Millbrae. After I bid her goodbye, I stepped into the BART sta...

The public deserves to know why the Vancouver Economic Commission is being suddenly scrapped by Mayor Sim

It was announced a few days ago that an arms length municipal agency representing Vancouver’s interests for nearly 30 years, the Vancouver Economic Commission, was suddenly, and without consultation or explanation, scrapped. As an urban professional with over a decade of experience in communit...

How to Rename Your Public School

Atthe very end of the 2021/22 school year the Vancouver School Board (VSB) launched a new Administrative Policy (AP) that set up a framework to rename schools (and other buildings owned by the board). Never before has it been possible to change the name of an existing school. ...

Big Cat Public Safety Act Waiting Its Fate in the Senate

In a rare bipartisan agreement, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Big Cat Public Safety Act by a vote of 278 to 134. The bill is now in the hands of the Senate. The bill is sponsored by Rep. Michael Quigley, D-Ill., and Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick, R-PA. The act would protect big cats in...

With a full set of tools, there has never been a better time to protect America’s public lands

Selecting the right tool for the job can make all the difference. The same applies to conservation — there are many different mechanisms and designations for protecting land, water, and wildlife. In order to effectively protect valuable public lands, policymakers must utilize the full range of...

Public Speaking

Do you ever get nervous before giving a speech? Or doing a presentation? Allah sent Prophet Moses on a mission to Pharaoh, to convey the message of Islam. Pharaoh was the worst of mankind, he was a tyrant, a murderer, and merciless. How nervous would you be in front of such a man? Delivering a me...

Lighting the public Menorah at the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin holds profound symbolic significance

The Brandenburg Gate is a prominent historical landmark in Berlin, a city that was central to the events of World War II and the Holocaust. During the Nazi regime, Jews were persecuted and subjected to horrific atrocities. Lighting the Menorah at such a significant site in Germany represents a po...

The Death of the Public Sphere

I spent the last week canvassing to get out the vote for the American midterm election, and the experience was a bit shocking. Not so much talking to people door to door, where I generally got what I expected. Most people didn’t want to talk politics, very religious and pro-police people were ...

Public Figures Inspired by the Oeuvre of Jonah Hill

Justice Amy Coney Barrett has changed her mind about abortion after watching Jonah Hill in Knocked Up (2007). “The way Jonah said ‘shmashmortion’ to mean ‘abortion’ not only sounded tantalizingly exotic and stirring, it brought home to me that of course aborti...

On public transit accessibility…

My project aims to tell a story through a short cartoon that recounts and reflects on the experiences that helped me wrap my head around the inaccessibility of the public transit system in Toronto. There are some details that I omitted from the story to tell it more efficiently: My high school...

Design Thinking Case Study: Navigating the Digital Maze of Public Transport

My first step was to interview at least five people about their habits, essential conducting UX research with the goal of finding out what their main pain points were. The very first thing that I did was come up with an interview guide covering participants’ experience with public transport an...

The Death of the Public Sphere

I spent the last week canvassing to get out the vote for the American midterm election, and the experience was a bit shocking. Not so much talking to people door to door, where I generally got what I expected. Most people didn’t want to talk politics, very religious and pro-police people were ...

Shedding Light: Opiate Class Action Lawsuits and Their Impact on Public Education

The devastating impact of the opioid crisis has led to an increase in opiate class action lawsuits, shedding light on the pharmaceutical industry’s practices. The opioid epidemic has resulted in the loss of over 400,000 lives in the past two decades and has imposed trillions of dollars in soci...

Influence Beyond Authority: Advice from Dr. Leana Wen on Meta-Leadership and Moving the Needle in Public Health

Dr. Wen’s passion for healthcare access was integral in her decision to train as an emergency physician, as she never wanted to have to turn any patient away. Her passion for her patients ultimately took her well outside the confines of her clinical practice and into the helm of myriad leaders...

The Bar as Public Space

People who know me won’t be surprised by this declaration: I like spending time in bars. In Europe, the definition of a “bar” is more vague than in other places. A bar isn’t just an establishment that will serve you alcohol. It can be a café, bistro, restaurant or even...