Public Speaking

<p>Do you ever get nervous before giving a speech? Or doing a presentation?</p> <p>Allah sent Prophet Moses on a mission to Pharaoh, to convey the message of Islam. Pharaoh was the worst of mankind, he was a tyrant, a murderer, and merciless. How nervous would you be in front of such a man? Delivering a message that he surely does not want to hear?</p> <p>Prophet Moses recited the following dua, revealed in the Quran. Prophet Moses was seeking Allah&rsquo;s help before speaking.</p> <p>We can recite this same Dua silently before speaking or giving a presentation, by Allah&rsquo;s will, your task will become easy, and your mind will be at ease (ameen):</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>