The Cynic Greek Philosopher That Masturbated In Public

<p>diogenes of Sinope (404&ndash;323 BC) was an active follower of the school of&nbsp;<strong>cynicism:&nbsp;</strong>the belief that the purpose of life is living in agreement with nature &mdash; using only the bare necessities.</p> <p>Just like all other cynics, Diogenes rejected the things that were widely believed to make people happy: money, power, fame, and possessions. He criticized anyone who wasn&rsquo;t temperate or honest. Cynicism was largely inspired by stoicism.</p> <p>While he stood for his beliefs with great passion, he expressed them in a strange way. Rather than talking about his ideology, which was the standard way of philosophizing in ancient Greek times, Diogenes showed the world what he believed in through bizarre behavior.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>