The Agonizing Potential of the Bay Area’s Public Transit

<p>During this past winter vacation, an old friend from Atlanta visited San Francisco. We ate dinner at Chinatown and explored the night view of downtown SF &mdash; all cherished memories.</p> <p>My friend took an Uber ride back to her hotel at Millbrae. After I bid her goodbye, I stepped into the BART station at Powell Street to wait for my train ride home. The time was around 9 PM; not too late into the night. When I arrived on the platform, the timetable sign displayed &lsquo;10-car train to Antioch in 26 minutes&rsquo;<em>.</em>&nbsp;I must have just missed the previous train for Antioch, I realized. So, I waited, pacing around the massive platforms.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p> <p>&nbsp;</p>
Tags: Public TRANSit