The Sister-in-Law From Hell Who Fat-Shamed Me in Public

<p>The first time we met is still vivid in my mind. It just so happens that my mom and I met her on the same day. Being the religious type, my mother raised her hands in prayer to God and spoke these words&hellip;&lsquo;<em>if only my son married her</em>&rsquo;.</p> <p>Surely she could have asked for something different. Maybe she should have prayed to be&nbsp;<em>obscenely wealthy</em>. That would have been wonderful and fulfilling.</p> <p>From her mouth to God&rsquo;s ears, her prayers were accepted, and a week had not passed when my brother met this lady through a mutual friend. That is when he insisted that he give her a lift, and it started from there.</p> <p>My brother developed deep feelings for this woman. We later learn that she played her cards correctly. (ugh! I know I do sound bitter but I promise you there is a good reason.)</p> <p>We were not astonished by how quickly this relationship was blossoming. The lady was the sweetest, kindest, and most generous woman you could ever meet. Hell, even we fell in love with her, and we wanted this marriage to happen yesterday!</p> <p>Although we all noticed warnings signs (red flags, if you will) but chose to disregard them at our peril. We did not know what to say when this amazing new member of our family showed us such a sweet and loving side to her.</p> <p>The ceremony went through without a hitch, and that night we made plans to celebrate with a quiet meal at an Italian restaurant for just the two families.</p> <p><a href="">Click Here</a></p>
Tags: Public Shamed