Tag: Politics

A Politics in Search of Absolution

“Vivek’s an empty suit,” I said. “He’s just the anti-woke candidate.” “What’s wrong with that?” my friend asked. Where to begin. I gave my friend the tl;dr answer, but if I had to elaborate here’s what I’d say. There are at leas...

We Care More About Politics Than Child Abuse

Yesterday, I published a story about the awful state of children’s welfare in Tennessee. It’s a piece I spent three days working on, trying to help readers connect some dots and understand how truly corrupt and hypocritical our lawmakers can be. It’s easy enough to read separate...

The Conservative Culture War is Infecting Canadian Politics

In Kelowna, British Columbia, a man decided to take a stand. The reason for his offense was simple: a child on his granddaughter’s elementary school sports team had a short haircut. Two of the kids, in fact. To his mind, they had to be transgender. He responded to this, alongside the wom...

Headlines Today in Finance, Technology & Politics — Sep. 13, 2023

Google in court over monopoly allegations. Apple’s new iPhone 15 will have a USB-C charging port and 4X more camera megapixels. New York City is facing a migrant crisis, with the left arguing that the city can afford to help and the right arguing that the crisis has been caused by lax federal ...

Fighting With Family Over Politics? Schema Theory Can Help

According to schema theory, our minds construct “organized conceptual frameworks” that pull together many different details into unified wholes. We form schema about virtually everything, from physical objects like “car” or “motorcycle” to abstract concepts l...

8 Quotes from Machiavelli that Can Teach You about the Art of Politics and Power

In the world of politics and power, there are few names as notorious and influential as Niccolò Machiavelli. As a diplomat and philosopher in Renaissance Italy, Machiavelli observed firsthand the ruthlessness and cunning required to gain and maintain political power. His most famou...

Is Integrity In Politics Is As Rare As Hen’s Teeth?

No matter what your political persuasion may be, one thing has been particularly evident in recent times is that many politician have a VERY different interpretation of integrity and truth than one might expect from those who are making such important and far reaching decisions on our behalf. ...

How to Minimize Politics In Your Organisation

No one likes politics in the workplace but sadly, I’m yet to come across any organisation that is not affected by this affliction. I guess the bigger the organisation, the more humans there will be and hence, inevitably, the more political the workplace will get. Given a choice, everyone...

The Art & Politics of Comic Books & Graphic Novels

Tucked in between San Diego Comic-Con in July and New York Comic Con in October is National Comic Book Day on September 25th — an excuse (as if one were needed) to indulge in rereading old favorites and discovering new friends. It’s also a great day for those unfamiliar with them to dip ...

SSUR’s Russ Karablin talks sex, politics and protest

There are few words as misunderstood and misappropriated in today’s lexicon as the term “street”. A word that still prompts mental caricatures of late ’80s Brooklyn and the adidas Superstars, boomboxes and graffitied subways that are inescapably conjoined to the era, street c...

Vanessa Friedman’s Fashion Politics

Just in recent years, we have seen fashion symbols of ideas and protest, as well as debates of representations of cultures and bodies through clothing. The #metoo movement brought knit pink pussyhats and actors wearing black to the Academy Awards. Rainbow-wear is synonymous with Pride and white v...

On The 2011 Vancouver Riot, and Rage in Canadian Politics

Years ago on a stint as a construction worker in rural Alberta, I met a peculiar coworker. We’ll call him Travis. Travis, like most of the men on that work crew, was from the Lower Mainland of British Columbia. One day I found myself alone in a truck with Travis, and chided him about the St...

What is the relationship between religion and politics in Israel?

In the Israeli adult population, the majority identify as Jewish, with a staggering 81% representation. The remaining individuals are primarily of Arab ethnicity and Muslim religious affiliation at 14%, followed by those who identify as Christians at 2%. A small percentage falls under the category o...

What is the relationship between religion and politics in Israel?

The intricate and diverse interplay between religion and politics in Israel is a complex phenomenon that cannot be easily distilled into a single explanation. At the heart of this dynamic lies Israel’s identity as a Jewish state, which permeates every aspect of its political structure and soci...

The Claudine Gay Resignation: Another victim of conservative politics in education

We have talked a lot (probably not enough) about the politicization of the American education system, with conservatives trying to pander to scared parents to further their dreams of getting paid by conservative donors. We have had many conversations (not nearly enough) about far-right politicians u...

Respectability Politics: Who Defines What Normal Is?

We all feel a need for approval and validation from those around us. Did that sentance put your hackles up? Did it make you uncomfortable, angry, defiant or sad? I know how that feels. I spent a lot of my youth absolutely rebelling against the idea that I should care what anyone thought about me....

Alabama Politics Stops Rescue Efforts

Alabama Search and Rescue (ALSAR), a volunteer fire department, was dispatched by the Barbour County Sheriff's Office on January 12, 2024, at 9:07 PM for a critical search operation for missing child, Phenix Wilkerson. Demonstrating prompt and professional response, our team arrived on scene at ...

Penises, Privilege, and Feminist & LGBTQ+ Purity Politics

Content Warning: while I will not be describing any actual instances of sexual violence, this issue (and false accusations thereof) will be mentioned throughout this piece. Back in February, I wrote a patron-requested essay entitled “Why are AMAB trans people denied the closet?” In it...

Unraveling the Gender Politics of Pockets

Asa professional sewer and maker, I contemplate clothing accessories more often than most people. But until researching the history of pickpocketing (don’t ask!), I had no idea how much the evolution of women’s pockets paralleled the cultural and legal sexism of the times. As authors ...

Leftist Critiques of Identity Politics

This essay is intended to be a thorough response to leftists who express opposition to “identity politics.” I will be using the term “leftist” here in a broad manner to refer to people whose political views generally fall to the left of mainstream Democrats in the U.S. (or an...

Can Top Court Sidestep Politics?

We’re getting plenty of commentary and hints that the U.S. Supreme Court will do its best to avoid dealing directly with Donald Trump’s legal claims of immunity as president, former president, and would-be president. Having rejected Special Counsel Jack Smith’s request to skip g...

Abortion, Roe V. Wade, Sexism and The Politics of Misogyny!

Last week, Republicans in Florida, Oklahoma and Kentucky passed strict abortion laws, the latest in an aggressive wave of anti-abortion legislation occurring across the nation. On April 14th, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed a bill set to go into effect July 1 banning abortions after 15 weeks of ...

Strengthening and expanding trans and travestis in politics

A meeting of travestis and trans people of different ages and regions, with the talent and courage to occupy institutional politics, and the shared responsibility of being the materialization of their ancestors’ dreams, as highlighted at the event. Addressing the challenges for trans repres...

Talking Past Each Other: How Semantics Complicates Politics

One of the thornier issues in linguistics is how to define words as their meanings shift over time, or even between people who perceive them differently. “Nice,” for example, used to mean stupid (Spanish necio still does), and had a whole range of vague meanings before settling...

Navigating the Impact of Politics on Mental Health

The intersection of the political climate and mental health is more prominent than ever in a society where political strife and election anxiety tense the very fabric of our well-being. With a staggering 40 percent of Americans identifying the impact of politics on mental health as a primary stresso...

Politics is dominated by people who are interested in politics. That’s a bad thing.

One of the biggest problems with politics is that it’s dominated by people who are interested in politics. This self-appointed selectorate are reason our last big electoral choice in 2019 was between a crank & a grifter (who they then replaced with Liz Truss). So, we should start 2024 b...

Coincidence, Correlation, and Causation in Politics

In our current political climate, anything happening or not happening will make someone angry. Political polarization has been increasing in recent years, particularly in the United States. And a key element of this polarization is finding reason to blame people on the “other side” ...

A Glimpse into School Board Politics in Tennessee

Tennessee Lookout has a story out about the first partisan school board races in the state. The piece examines the issue through the lens of races in Williamson County. The responses in the District 10 race are pretty interesting. That race features incumbent Eric Welch a...

A Noob’s Guide to Politics

Good old childhood friend “Civics” says a political party is an organization of like-minded people formed to achieve goals they jointly agree on, but it’s never that simple, is it? Humans are complex creatures, and while politicians might bury our expectations into the ground when ...

Role of Asian Americans in Bipartisan Politics

Waves of partisanship and ideology often threaten to capsize the ship of state. But, a group of navigators has been working to chart a course toward better governance. These navigators are Asian Americans. They are a diverse and fast-growing part of the U.S. population. They are playing a more signi...

Ice Cream With a Little Politics on Top

The brand’s premium ice cream contains so much butter fat that it isn’t considered ice cream by definition. The factory where it’s made is where a large portion of the egg yolks separated from Egg Beaters end up. And created in that building is the best damn tasting ice cream in...

Science and Politics

Politics can be divisive whereas science is internationally unifying. In my modest attempt to make the world better, I focus on promoting science. The research team of the “Interstellar Expedition” has just shared an extensive paper, summarizing analysis results from the pas...

Gay genes, liberals, and the relevance of biology to politics

A study about the genetics of “nonheterosexualtiy” came out in Science yesterday [1]. Its main conclusion was completely unsurprising: the trait they were interested in — whether someone had ever, versus never, had sex with someone of the same sex — is partly heritable (we al...

Exploring the Magnificence of Cicero: A Titan of Roman Oratory and Politics

Cicero, an illustrious figure of ancient Rome, stands as a colossus in the annals of history. Renowned for his exceptional oratory skills, profound philosophical insights, and political acumen, Cicero’s legacy transcends centuries, captivating minds with his eloquence and wisdom. read more ...

The Politics of Belonging

Religion, nationalism, soccer, college, book clubs — what does this seemingly random grouping of things have in common? They all work on the principles of belonging. That feeling of being a part of something bigger than yourself, that at some point in our lives, most of us end up chasing, ...

Parallels between politics and evolution

There are many parallels between politics and evolution. To understand equivalence, first a brief introduction to evolution. Evolution is a change in the characteristics of living things over time. It’s the process through which populations and species change. It is a process that led to lo...

Talking Past Each Other: How Semantics Complicates Politics

One of the thornier issues in linguistics is how to define words as their meanings shift over time, or even between people who perceive them differently. “Nice,” for example, used to mean stupid (Spanish necio still does), and had a whole range of vague meanings before settling...