Is Integrity In Politics Is As Rare As Hen’s Teeth?

<p>No matter what your political persuasion may be, one thing has been particularly evident in recent times is that many politician have a VERY different interpretation of integrity and truth than one might expect from those who are making such important and far reaching decisions on our behalf.</p> <p><img alt="" src="*oOobJx69PXvmYnN7M5GaAQ.png" style="height:587px; width:700px" /></p> <p>Sadly there is very little evidence of Enlightened Leadership in politics and while the individual leaders concerned and their cronies appear to be doing very well, I believe that the Human Race at both a global and individual level is far poorer as a result. What is even more concerning is twofold: firstly that they rarely take radical responsibility for their behaviour even when their actions are questioned and secondly, how many people simply accept their outrageous behaviour as the norm. Think of the legacy that is creating for the young people of today and those who are yet to come.</p> <p>How many times have we allowed our politicians to remain in post despite being caught out lying, or being VERY economical with the truth, cheating on their spouses or involved in dodgy dealing? In my opinion the line in the sand has been obliterated rather than blurred. There are so many examples in the news where our leaders have demonstrated a complete lack of integrity and honour that I believe we have become desensitized, people shrug and think, &ldquo;What can I do?&rdquo;</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>