What is the relationship between religion and politics in Israel?

<p>The intricate and diverse interplay between religion and politics in Israel is a complex phenomenon that cannot be easily distilled into a single explanation. At the heart of this dynamic lies Israel&rsquo;s identity as a Jewish state, which permeates every aspect of its political structure and societal norms. This fusion of religious and political identities gives rise to a unique set of challenges and opportunities, shaping everything from public policy to individual beliefs and behaviors. Despite the complexity of this relationship, it remains an essential aspect of Israeli society, reflecting both its rich history and its ongoing struggles to define itself in an ever-changing world.</p> <p>In the Israeli adult population, the majority identify as Jewish, with a staggering 81% representation. The remaining individuals are primarily of Arab ethnicity and Muslim religious affiliation at 14%, followed by those who identify as Christians at 2%. A small percentage falls under the category of &ldquo;others.&rdquo; However, it is important to note that there are notable divisions not only between Jews and Arabs but also within the major subgroups of Israeli Jews. These subdivisions further highlight the complexity and diversity of Israel&rsquo;s demographics.</p> <p><a href="https://munaeem.medium.com/what-is-the-relationship-between-religion-and-politics-in-israel-3670e4b3b063"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>