Tag: Performance

NEVER Say this ONE Thing in your Software Dev Performance Review

At the end of the year, you should go through your targets and objectives. These are commonly framed as high-stakes one-on-one with your manager. A good performance review can: put you on the path to promotion gain a raise boost your status within the organization You should have a...

Swift High Performance: Dictionary Keys I improved Factory’s dictionary lookup performance by over 500%! Can you do the same in your app?

This article is an in-depth exploration of how to create dictionary keys that are fast and performant under all circumstances, and why String-based keys often fail in that regard. It includes actual examples and performance data taken from Factory, my open-source dependency injection library...

Increase Llama 2's Latency and Throughput Performance by Up to 4X

Introduction In the realm of large language models (LLMs), integrating these advanced systems into real-world enterprise applications is a pressing need. However, the pace at which generative AI is evolving is so quick that most can’t keep up with the advancements. One solution is to use...

Increase Llama 2's Latency and Throughput Performance by Up to 4X

In the realm of large language models (LLMs), integrating these advanced systems into real-world enterprise applications is a pressing need. However, the pace at which generative AI is evolving is so quick that most can’t keep up with the advancements. One solution is to use managed service...

Low-Hanging Web Performance Fruits: A Cheat Sheet

Here’s the situation you’ve probably been in already: you join a new project and soon notice the page load speed is… underwhelming. You might assume it’s due to your slow network, but after running a Lighthouse report, you find the score is 20 out of 100. Something is d...

Family First: 5 Tips for Leaving Work on Time without Sacrificing Performance

It’s brutal because it’s true. And yet, society still stigmatises people who leave work on time. Screw society. Your family won’t thank you for obeying norms instead of being effective and organised. It’s possible to leave work on time and still outperform your colleagu...

5 KRAs for Performance Appraisals

Has anyone given a though what are the main responsibilites of a Performance Appraisals ? Yes, you read it correct, Responsibility areas of Performance Appraisals. Lets face it. Performance Appraisals are dying and nobody is doing anything apart from criticising it. So high time is here, where we...

What is job performance and why is it important?

Business leaders need to understand the key benefits of employee performance so that they can develop consistent and objective methods for evaluating employees. Doing so helps determine strengths, weaknesses and potential managerial gaps in the business organization. There are a num­ber of per&s...

The Modern Leadership Style That Can Supercharge Performance

In today's frenetic pace of business leaders often fail to regularly take a step back to assess where their career is going and if it lines up with their aspirations. Many times we simply look up and think we should keep ascending. Many don’t know exactly where to. Perhaps some imaginar...

Assessing your Leadership Performance

Holding a leadership position is one thing, but being a leader is different. A leader has to be able to hold themselves to greater accountability, grasp everything within their scope, and analyze themselves as deeply as they do others. SElf-awareness is not always an easy attribute to come by...

Valuing Diversity To Improve Team Performance

Someone once said, “If both of us think exactly alike, one of us is unnecessary.” We all know that any given project, or product development effort, requires a variety of skills sets and experience — behold the cross functional team. But beyond that, our inclination is to put pe...

Tips for a Great Performance Review: Part 2 — Giving Feedback Throughout the Year

The performance review is your key opportunity to let your directs know how they performed against your expectations, and those of the company. Before you can do an effective performance review, however, you need to ensure you have given adequate, documented feedback to justify your points. T...

The Modern Leadership Style That Can Supercharge Performance

In today's frenetic pace of business leaders often fail to regularly take a step back to assess where their career is going and if it lines up with their aspirations. Many times we simply look up and think we should keep ascending. Many don’t know exactly where to. Perhaps some imaginar...

The Paradox of Performance Measurements: A Double-Edged Sword

As businesses strive to improve efficiency and profitability, they turn to key performance indicators (KPIs) as a way to measure their progress. Nevertheless, as with any tool, the improper application of KPIs can result in unanticipated and often detrimental outcomes. They may become a stumbling bl...

How to Improve Your Gaming Performance on Console

There are a few things you can do to improve your gaming performance on console. Here are a few tips: 1. Use a wired connection instead of Wi-Fi. A wired connection will provide a more stable and consistent connection, which can improve your frame rate and reduce lag. 2. Close any unnecessary ...

Supercharging Performance with Partitioning in Databricks and Spark (Part 1/3)

Partitioning is the key to making this possible. It involves dividing a large dataset into smaller, more manageable pieces known as partitions. In distributed data processing systems like Databricks, partitions are employed to distribute data across multiple nodes, enabling parallel processing an...

Optimizing Performance with Delta Tables: A Guide to Merge and Copy Into Commands

Delta Lake is a powerful storage layer that enables scalable, reliable, and performant data pipelines on top of Apache Spark. In the previous article, we discussed INSERT OVERWRITE vs INSERT INTO for Efficient Table Insertion One of the key features of Delta Lake is the ability to perform atom...

Spark Performance Tuning: Spill

Spill problem happens when the moving of an RDD (resilient distributed dataset, aka fundamental data structure in Spark) moves from RAM to disk and then back to RAM again. Simply put, this behavior occurs when a given data partition is too large to fit within the RAM of the executor. Spark w...

Spark Performance Tuning: Spill

Spill problem happens when the moving of an RDD (resilient distributed dataset, aka fundamental data structure in Spark) moves from RAM to disk and then back to RAM again. Simply put, this behavior occurs when a given data partition is too large to fit within the RAM of the executor. Spark w...

Kotlin Performance Tuning: 20 Best Practices You Should Know

Performance is a critical metric that can make or break your application. While Kotlin offers a plethora of features to make development easier, knowing how to leverage them for performance can be a game-changer. This article provides 20 tips that will help you write high-performance Kotlin code. ...

Jetpack Compose — Performance concerns?

Jetpack Compose’s performance concerns have sparked a lively discussion on Twitter as of late with strong opinions from both sides. Is there any substance to these claims? Compose has a lot going for it from developer ergonomics, adoption etc but performance isn’t one of them as y...

Stay One Step Ahead: Vitess Hacks for Database Performance

In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, staying one step ahead is crucial to ensure your business’s success in the long run. And when it comes to optimizing database performance, being ahead of the game becomes even more important. That’s where Vitess comes into play — a powe...

ElasticSearch Performance Tuning

Now we can start with tuning OS level settings which mentioned in ES documentations. Configuring OS First things first, let’s get OS(Ubuntu 14.04) ready. Elasticsearch requires only Java(>1.7). Newer ES versions may require higher version of java. Virtual memory is typically cons...

“NOWHERELAND: THE EDEN” (Ray-O, Bangkok, 2022) A performance review

Itwas several years ago that I tapped into Ray-O’s “Nowhereland” myself. The thesis of his play was intrusive. It connected with the part where my truth lied and transformed how I saw the world to some extent. He is still obsessed with the human psyche, the quality that m...

Selective outrage’s latest target is Beyoncé’s performance in Dubai

normally take no issue with people questioning who public figures accept money from, but in the case of Beyoncé’s recent performance in Dubai, the criticism sounds sanctimonious, and for lack of better phrase, mighty white. Beyoncé was paid a reported $35 million to ...

7 Essential Key Performance Indicators (KPI) for Monitoring Logistics Performance

Logistics management is a challenging activity to carry out. Besides the assurance of the efficiency of the business process and the logistics cost, companies have to implement improvement plans in order to reach the level of effectiveness and efficiency. This requires an in-depth analysis of the cu...

Logistic Performance Management Using Data Analytics

You are a logistic performance manager in an international clothing group that has stores all around the world. The company produces garments, bags and accessories in factories located in Asia. Stores are delivered from local warehouses that are dir...

What Makes A Great Coachella Performance?

Coachella is America’s Glastonbury. Stemming from the desert land of Indio, California, the West Coast festival welcomes musicians and audiences worldwide to celebrate music. For six days spread over two weekends, many music lovers come to enjoy some of their favorite artists. From small growi...

“Unleashing Superior Performance: The Under Armour UA Surge 3-BLU Men’s Sneaker Review”

Introduction: In the realm of athletic footwear, the Under Armour UA Surge 3-BLU Men’s Sneaker stands as a testament to innovation, performance, and style. As we dive into the features and benefits of this dynamic sneaker, discover how it seamlessly blends cutting-edge technology ...

Performance Hacks

This week, Simone shares one of her passions with us, inviting us into her Lingua-Nerd world. Her journey into the past, to the roots of the word “Human,” provides a quick analysis that sheds light on the evolution of language and meaning, and how these shape our perception of — in...