ElasticSearch Performance Tuning
<p><em>Now we can start with tuning OS level settings which mentioned in ES documentations.</em></p>
<p><strong>Configuring OS</strong></p>
<p>First things first, let’s get OS(Ubuntu 14.04) ready. Elasticsearch requires only Java(>1.7). Newer ES versions may require higher version of java.</p>
<p><em>Virtual memory is typically consumed by processes, file system caches, and the kernel. Virtual memory utilization depends on a number of factors, which can be affected by the following parameters.</em></p>
<p>ES recommends to set this value 1, also according to Red Hat, a low swappiness value is recommended for database workloads. As an example, for Oracle databases, Red Hat recommended swappiness value is 10.</p>
<p><a href="https://medium.com/@m.ahmedhashmi1/elasticsearch-performance-tuning-e52dfeba8edf"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>