Tag: Industry

Thriving As A Woman In a Male-Dominated Industry: Birte Rice Of TOC Logistics International On The Five Things You Need To Thrive and Succeed as a Woman In a Male-Dominated Industry

Inthe United States in 2022, fields such as Aircraft piloting, Agriculture, Architecture, Construction, Finance, and Information technology, are still male-dominated industries. For a woman who is working in a male-dominated environment, what exactly does it take to thrive and succeed? In this ...

It’s time for the tech industry to live up to its ideals

It’s no secret that the tech industry prides itself on its altruism. You’ve probably heard Google’s former informal motto, “Don’t be evil,” but it is far from unique: most tech companies have lofty ideals baked into their mission statements, their marketing campai...

From Content Novice to Word Ninja: Finding my fit in the Content Industry

Content and writing are two intertwining but separate worlds, and this is a journey of understanding that. Like many other writers, my story also starts with some inquisitiveness for reading. With my nose buried deep in all the Oxford literature books my school had to offer, I grew an inclination...

Building Relationships in the Technology Industry

Strong relationships are crucial for success in the technology industry. Companies that prioritize relationship-building gain a competitive edge, foster collaboration, and create growth opportunities in this highly competitive and fast-paced sector. Fostering a culture of collaboration ...

Competition to Industry Leader

Competing with a leading company in the same industry can be challenging, but it’s not impossible. With the right strategies and a well-thought-out approach, you can carve out your niche and gain a competitive edge. Here are some steps to consider: 1. Differentiation and Value Proposit...

4 Signs Your Industry Is Being Disrupted

In his book, Thinking, Fast and Slow, Nobel laureate Daniel Kahneman explained that there are two modes of thinking that we use to make decisions, which he calls “System 1” and “System 2.” The first is more instinctual and automatic, the second more rational an...

Do More Meetings of Medical Representatives Bring Better Results in the Pharmaceutical Industry?

The topic for today’s blog is calling for more meetings of medical representatives to bring results. So let’s discuss. “When King has nothing to do something fruitful, so he calls meetings.” -Anonymous. It is rightly said that when the King has nothing to do, he call...

AI Voice Cloning is About to Shake Up the Audiobook Industry

Audiobooks have skyrocketed in popularity in recent years, for various reasons. With engaging narration and other incorporated sound effects, they can be far more immersive than text-based books. People can listen to audiobooks while doing other (usually non-language-based) tasks, which makes t...

How DeepFakes will take over the Entertainment Industry!

Tom Cruise’s DeepFake has been doing the rounds on social media for the past few weeks. This tech is very much here and though the general opinion is that we are doomed, it surely has the potential to disrupt how we view entertainment. Elon Musk, one of the top visionaries of our time, alon...

A well-crafted CV can help land a job in the games industry. Here is what you should focus on in your CV.

A few weeks ago when I wrote a Game Developer/Artist hiring post on LinkedIn, I received ~50 applications with CVs that were presented shabbily. I realized most of the applicants never really knew how to organize and present themselves. A game developer, Zain Ul Abideen, reached out to me as...

How Does Limitation Foster Creativity in the Game Industry?

Metal Gear Solid established the stealth genre, and game designer, Hideo Kojima, quickly discovered that he could create a great game despite the technical restrictions of the 1980s. Enemies in Kojima’s action game take advantage of dynamic AI and attack the main characters several times. Such...

Behind the screens: The Movers and Shakers of the Video Game Industry

Since their commercial birth in the 1950s as a technological oddity at a science fair, video games have been on an inexorable rise. Initially seen as children’s entertainment, their innovation, creativity and adaptability have enabled them to attract fans of all ages and backgrounds. The cr...

Why the Denim Industry Is In Desperate Need of Education

When I got my first job selling jeans back in 2008, I didn’t know much about the topic! I would tell my customers to wait six months before they washed their jeans, that Japanese denim makers had imported old Levi’s looms, and all the other stories we now know are myths or marketing s...

The Power of Tourist Data and Its Impact on Tourism Industry

Phuket, known for its stunning beaches and vibrant nightlife, is a favorite among Russian tourists. Its picturesque landscapes, cultural attractions, and bustling markets make it an ideal spot for those seeking both relaxation and adventure. The island of Koh Phangan is another famous d...

The tension between experienced product managers and industry experts

I recently put out a poll where I asked people a simple question: Given the choice of two otherwise identical Product Manager candidates, which would you prefer, the one with more PM experience, or the one with more related industry experience? Overwhelmingly, product leaders (VP of Product,...

What is the importance of marketing research in the tourism industry?

The goal of market research in tourism industry is to gather vital information from customers. Travel and tourism have been one of the most hit businesses since the virus first spread, with airlines grounded, hotels closed, and travel restrictions imposed. The pandemic reduced internationa...

Gaming Industry Faces 28% GST Blow from FM Sitharaman: Implementation Begins Oct 1.

In a significant development, India’s Finance Minister, Nirmala Sitharaman, recently announced a 28% Goods and Services Tax (GST) on online gaming services. The decision, aimed at regulating the booming online gaming industry, is set to come into effect from October 1. The move has elicited mi...

Dubai’s Tea Industry: An Inside Look at its Growth and Development

Dubai’s tea industry has been growing steadily over the years, thanks to its strategic location and the city’s penchant for luxury goods. As a hub for trade and commerce, Dubai has emerged as a key player in the global tea market, with a thriving import and export industry that caters to...

On Strike: COVID’s Toll on the Healthcare Industry

The strikes were kickstarted on Oct. 4 when about 75,000 Kaiser Permanente healthcare workers walked off the job, starting a three-day, nationwide strike that is being recognized as the largest health care worker strike in the United States. Union coalitions and strikers are urging Kaiser ...

The oil industry is immoral, and what does that say about you?

The worst thing about reading the COP28 final statement is to think of the idiotic expression on your face as you realize that the climate summit was a complete waste of time and that we have all been taken for fools. Some have welcomed a document that finally includes a sentence saying that...

How Microsoft and Hedera quietly partnered to save the planet while unlocking a $250 Billion industry

The InterWork Alliance, an initiative of the Global Blockchain Business Council (GBBC), empowers organizations to adopt and use token-powered services in their day-to-day operations, across use cases and networks, bringing inclusivity to globally distributed applications. Microsoft, Accenture and...

How the fashion industry will need to change in the coming years

Over the next decade, many business sectors will be forced to undergo considerable changes to reach green targets and establish robust sustainability credentials. The fashion industry — one of the most ecologically harmful sectors — awaits significant transformation. At least let&rsqu...

Is It Time We Let the Cruise Industry Sink?

The pandemic was hard on pretty much every industry. Unless you were in the medical business, a tech billionaire, or were close buddies with certain public officials, you were likely feeling the crunch. But for the cruise industry in particular, Covid-19 was a business and marketing disaster. As ...

Is your money being used to finance the oil industry?

A timely study by Project Drawdown reveals that many banks use their customers’ accounts to finance the fossil fuel industry, generating a carbon footprint we could reduce by simply demanding our banks stop doing this; and if they won’t, then we can take our mone...

Mastering the Art of Closing Deals in Commercial Real Estate: The Power of Industry Knowledge

Being a strong closer in the fast-paced world of commercial real estate (CRE) requires more than just closing deals to generate money; it also requires having a thorough awareness of the market, industry trends, regulatory requirements, and financing choices. Professionals need to become trusted con...

How the Tech Industry Prioritizes Innovation, Progress and Profit Above Ethical Considerations.

In the corridors of Silicon Valley and the tech industry in general, a growing disquiet lingers — one that questions the industry’s unwavering prioritisation of innovation, progress and profit at the expense of ethical considerations. The relentless pursuit of growth and profits, the ...

A win and a loss for the gaming industry this week

In 1993, I was turning 14. I used to play on the old IBM PC that my mother Marie-Francesse JULAn had gotten from her work at that time. As a young teenager, I only used it to play Pac-Man and was mainly concerned about doing my homework. My brother, Jonathan RIQUIER was the one lovin...

Why performative inclusion thrives? Because it’s a win-win billionaire industry

The book also reassured organisations that it was not their responsibility if they didn’t have enough women in leadership. It was the women’s fault. They were not leaning in, not putting themselves out for a promotion, they were not confident enough. As a consequence, the “fixing p...

Transforming Document Processing in the Legal Industry with Kudra

In the fast-paced and demanding world of the legal industry, managing documents efficiently and accurately is crucial for success. However, traditional document processing methods have often been time-consuming, error-prone, and costly. With the advent of automated document processing, powered by ad...

Dying In The Shadow Of Industry

I grew up in south Louisiana and southern east Texas, which topographically resembles southern Louisiana more than any of the rest of the state. We’re talking Bayous, mosquitos, and crawfish boils. But there is something else it has in common with southern Louisiana, tons of chemical refine...

Is artificial intelligence going to revolutionise the legal industry?

It is merely a paradox. We frequently discuss the justice system as an antidote to human failings; it is the responsibility of the state to punish criminals who frequently cave in to deep feelings of resentment, dishonesty, and wrongdoing. But what if this very legal system is incapable of upholding...

How Maersk Used Blockchain to Revolutionize the Logistics Industry: Case Study

The Challenge of Supply Chain Transparency Shipping companies often face delays, increased costs, and inefficiencies due to a lack of transparency and visibility in the supply chain. Maersk was no exception and realized that it needed to solve this problem to remain competitive. Solution &mdas...

Reinforcement Learning in the Warehousing Industry

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning is advancing at an ever-increasing rate. Reinforcement Learning (RL) is one area of Machine Learning which is proving to be incredibly promising for the future of business efficiency and optimisation. Within the Warehousing and Logistics industry, there a...

Steering Through Change: The New Overtime Pay Law and Its Impact on the Trucking Industry

The introduction of mandatory overtime pay for truck drivers, as mandated by the recent bipartisan bill, marks a significant shift in the trucking industry’s economic landscape. For trucking companies, especially smaller and medium-sized firms, this legislative change heralds a period of finan...

Two Software Engineers Disrupt the Cannabis Industry by Solving Distribution Challenges

The cannabis industry is one that continuously grows, currently valued at about $57B, and is projected to rise quite vastly to $444B by 2030, according to Fortune Business Insights. With the previously negative long-standing reputation of cannabis now slowly fading away, more and more players are st...

Challenges in Logistics and Supply Chain Management in the Automotive Industry

Supply Chain Management (SCM) and Logistics in the automotive sector involve strategically coordinating and optimizing various processes to ensure the smooth flow of materials, information, and products from suppliers to manufacturers, and ultimately to end consumers. SCM encompasses the entire life...

Trucking Industry in Crisis: Discover the Shocking Secrets Behind Driver Health and How We’re Build

Welcome to Well Bred Trucking, where innovation meets compassion in the world of trucking. I am Curtis Brunache, the proud founder and CEO of this revolutionary company. Through my own personal journey and a deep commitment to improving the trucking industry, I have dedicated myself to solving its m...

Equipping Prosecutors for the Fight Against Human Trafficking in the Commercial Motor Vehicle Industry

A significant front in this battle exists on our roads, exploited by human traffickers, and overlooked by many, until now. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), recognizing the strategic role of America’s 8.7-million-strong commercial motor vehicle (CMV) workforce, has launc...

The Future of the Transportation Industry Starts Now with Muftar

The Muftar app is an industry-changing software solution for trucking and logistics. It provides a full range of tools to streamline operations and enhance productivity for transportation and logistics firms of all sizes. Muftar is transforming the trucking and logistics business with its user-frien...


Imagine a person seeing loved ones — former heavy smokers — painfully die from lung cancer and emphysema, and BECAUSE OF THAT going out to buy a carton of cigarettes… or a deadly car wreck convincing you to go straight to the auto dealer… In other words, the most negativ...

We Need More Modern Native Representation in the Entertainment Industry

The entertainment industry has always played a crucial role in shaping societal perceptions and influencing culture. However, for far too long, the representation of Indigenous peoples in mainstream media has been exceedingly inadequate, perpetuating harmful stereotypes and eradicating the rich dive...

The Music Industry Domination of Taylor Swift

Iwould like to start off this piece by saying that I am not arguing that 1) Taylor Swift does not deserve success and/or that she did not work hard to create a name for herself, 2) that she single-handedly promotes white supremacy, or 3) anything about the quality of her music, as that would be my p...

The Chief of Staff Role in the Biotech Industry

Despite being a nebulous and somewhat new role in the startup world, the Chief of Staff role is starting to be recognized and opined upon in a patently tech-forward Medium/Substack type of way — and even in the Harvard Business Review. My experience as Chief of Staff (CoS) to the Presi...

Economic Impact of Alternative Proteins, Navigating Food Industry Regulations, and More

The majority of investments in the alternative protein industry have been from private sources, but public investments are crucial for long-term research and development (R&D), as well as maximising public benefit. Public investments catalyse progress in areas where private companies, focused on...

20 enzymes that are used in the food & Beverages industry

Enzymes are biological molecules typically made up of proteins, it is a fundamental task of proteins. The enzyme is very sensitive in nature. many physiochemical changes in the enzyme are affecting by changes in pH, temperature, substrate concentration, etc. The enzyme has a wide range of applica...

The Rise of Eco-Friendly Printing in the Publishing Industry

In recent years, there has been a significant shift towards sustainability in various industries, and the publishing world is no exception. As society becomes more conscious of the environmental impact of our actions, the need for eco-friendly practices in the production of books has gained momentum...

Eight Reasons BioViva Will Dominate the Gene Therapy Industry

Indispensability creates industry leaders. BioViva’s CMV gene delivery system does what other vectors cannot. Current vectors provide scanty palettes and frayed brushes to prospective gene therapists, keeping the lion’s share of use cases outside their reach. Gene therapy...

Cannabis Industry Trade Shows and Events 2024

The third annual Connecticut Cannabis Expo, presented by XpoCanna, rolls three events into one: the Connecticut cannabis business convention, the consumer expo, and The X Cup. New and existing businesses and entrepreneurs will find value in the trade show, which will feature panel discussions o...

Vial Filling Line for the Pharmaceutical Industry

In pharmaceuticals, vial packaging is widely employed for storing medications, vaccines, and other pharmaceutical products. These vials are designed to protect the contents from contamination, ensure product integrity, and provide a convenient and safe way to dispense the contents when needed. Vials...

GAP Analysis in Pharmaceuticals: Unveiling Opportunities for Growth in the Pharmaceutical Industry

The pharmaceutical industry plays a pivotal role in the well-being of people worldwide by providing essential medications and treatments. To thrive in this competitive landscape, companies must continually assess their strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities. GAP Analysis serves as a strategic tool...

How Yale researchers helped create the ketamine industry — and their own psychedelics startup.

The clinical trial that set the stage for today’s fast-growing ketamine industry runs just three pages long and involved only eight patients. It was published, not in the New England Journal of Medicine or The Lancet, but in a specialized journal called Biological Psychiatr...

The Effect of Fortnite on the Gaming Industry

Whilst I personally do not enjoy the battle royale genre, I see the appeal of a game like Fortnite, as at the time of it coming out it was a wholly unique, free-to-play experience. When it was released back in 2017, what was a first game for Epic Games became an instant hit, in some ways revolutioni...

Fashion Forward: The Influence of Generative AI in the Clothing Industry

The fashion industry, renowned for its ever-changing trends, has always been on the lookout for fresh and innovative approaches to stay ahead in the race for style supremacy. In this dynamic landscape, the fusion of fashion and technology has become more apparent than ever. Among the technological m...


International Fashion Designers! Fashion itself is an art and passion which is a dream of creating designs and a vision for the life. It’s not as simple as we say. It requires a lot of dedication and focuses to stand in that desired position as a fashion designer. So let’s have...

How the fashion industry will need to change in the coming years

Over the next decade, many business sectors will be forced to undergo considerable changes to reach green targets and establish robust sustainability credentials. The fashion industry — one of the most ecologically harmful sectors — awaits significant transformation. At least let&rsqu...

Don’t Fall for These Fashion Industry Myths Anymore!

Explore the real world of fashion beyond myths. Discover why style isn’t about price or age. Embrace self-expression and confidence. FASHION IS FOR THE RICH The general belief that, the more expensive your clothes are, the more fashionable and stylish you look, is completely untrue. The ...

The Knitting Industry in Gosen City, Niigata

Crafting Excellence ArcLead Corp. is a prominent player in the knitting industry, contributing significantly to the textile landscape of Gosen City. Established with a commitment to quality and innovation, ArcLead Corp. has been a driving force in transforming the local knitting sc...

Adidas: A Leader in Innovation, Sustainability, and the Future of the Sportswear Industry

Adidas is a German sportswear company that was founded in 1949 by Adolf “Adi” Dassler. The company was originally known as Dassler Brothers Shoe Factory and was started by Adi and his older brother, Rudolf. The brothers began by producing footwear for athletes, but eventually expanded to...

Title: The Evolution of Streaming Services and its Impact on the Entertainment Industry

The entertainment industry has undergone a significant transformation with the rise of streaming services. Over the past decade, platforms like Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Disney+, and others have revolutionized how we consume media. This shift has not only changed the way we access conte...

Body Image in the Dance Industry

The prejudicial assumption of physical capabilities of a bigger-bodied individual is a consistent issue among the dance community. The dance industry should put an end to perpetuating the concept of anti-fatness on dancers because it creates unhealthy body images and a misconception of beauty, which...