How DeepFakes will take over the Entertainment Industry!

<p>Tom Cruise&rsquo;s DeepFake has been doing the rounds on social media for the past few weeks. This tech is very much here and though the general opinion is that we are doomed, it surely has the potential to disrupt how we view entertainment.</p> <p>Elon Musk, one of the top visionaries of our time, along with a few others has pledged $1B towards OpenAI which has been subsequently matched by Microsoft. The OpenAI has produced tech that can generate text, music, and whatnot, all using AI. It is a ray of hope that AI in general and DeepFakes, in particular, can be put to better use in contrast to how Deep-Fake tech is regarded today</p> <p></p> <p>I was watching a re-run of Intelligence, a CBEC network TV show that was dropped after its second season in 2007. It was a great show and it was a shame that it was thrown away because of some political pressures. I started thinking about how the storyline would be if they picked it up again, after a 10-year gap. I started wondering what if, as a viewer, I wanted to watch the 3rd season of the show!</p> <p>The recent works by OpenAI, even worried its creators to release the tools for text generation to the public, owing to their potential misuse for generating fake news articles. So even with today&rsquo;s tech, we can generate text on topics that read quite real, though it may be full of false information. However, since it is purely fiction, why not use it for what it creates; i.e. fiction?</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>