Tag: Inclusive

How to be Inclusive Nonverbally

You can include and exclude people nonverbally — often inadvertently! Here are seven ways to avoid excluding others. “Now that we’re back in the office part-time, I love seeing everyone interacting again,” a coaching client told me. “But a few people who were hired r...

29 challenges leaders say inclusive leadership can help solve

The funny thing is that often when I work with leaders, they discuss how inclusive leadership can remedy many of the day-to-day challenges that arise in organisations. Yet most people think inclusive leadership only impacts inclusion. However, inclusion and inclusive leadership s...

Shall we redefine art fairs for a sustainable and inclusive future?

After the end of World War II, the devastation caused by the war led to a need for the recovery and preservation of cultural arts in Europe. Art communities and markets began to form as efforts were made to search for and protect artworks that had been damaged or displaced during the war. However, d...

Name Change Celebrates Inclusive Future For Seattle Audubon Society

Last August, I told you about the Seattle Audubon Society, a community-based bird conservation and birding organisation where I was a member, and its decision to change its name to be more inclusive to people from all walks of life (more here). They’ve made their choice to formally c...

A roadmap to inclusive leadership: emergency preparedness (key no10)

Welcome to the next milestone on our roadmap to inclusive leadership. Today, we dive into the 10th key, one that is largely overlooked, even by some of the most experienced inclusive leaders: emergency preparedness. In this part of our series, we won’t just be talking about planning and being ...

A roadmap to inclusive leadership: workplace accessibility (key no3)

Welcome back to our deep dive into the keys to inclusive leadership. In this third installment, we’re zooming in on a topic often misunderstood: workplace accessibility. It’s a buzzword that’s thrown around a lot, but what does it really mean? If what comes to mind is just about ad...

A roadmap to inclusive leadership: reasonable accommodations (key no7)

Over the past few weeks, we’ve explored various facets of what it takes to be an inclusive leader, and the time has come today to get to the 7th key on our roadmap: reasonable accommodations. While each of the previous keys lays an important foundation in the overarching picture of a truly inc...

Recognizing the impact of culture in inclusive communication

Cultural sensitivity is a fundamental aspect of effective communication, particularly for speaking professionals aiming to create inclusive and impactful experiences for their audiences, as recognizing and respecting the diverse cultural backgrounds, beliefs, and values of audience members allows fo...

Ten Rules To Be More Inclusive of Those Who are Colourblind

This week, I was reminded of a resource I stumbled upon about a year or two ago, and this week, I’d like to dedicate this post to sharing that resource with you. I’m talking about the Colorblind Accessibility Manifesto, created by Federico Monaco, an Italian digital designer wh...

Separate But Inclusive

I have noticed that there have been attempts to have separate but equal groups in areas that were formerly very integrated. So much work has been done over the past decades to integrate disenfranchised groups; are we now in the process of dismantling these efforts? Why is some separation sanctioned ...

Inclusive research at Pinterest: What it means and the path to getting 10% better

In 2020, a small team of researchers at Pinterest began to hunt for resources and tools around how to make our research processes and practices more inclusive, thinking our search would surface a comprehensive off-the-shelf resource or two that we could share back and use as a guidepost for our team...

The Three Dimensions of Inclusive Design: Part One **

It is not a set of static structures that assist in engineering a solution, because the complex adaptive system that is our current society is a domain where solutions can no longer be engineered but approaches must be grown, and investment in a fix for some creates greater barriers for others. The ...

Inclusive Design and Why Product Managers Should Care

Diversity and inclusion are hot topics in tech, and a lot of research has shown it’s not only the right thing to do but also a good business decision. A 2015 McKinsey report found that companies with ethnic and racial diversity in management were 35% more likely to have financial ret...

Inclusive Agile: Extending the Reach of the Manifesto

Embedding inclusivity into the Manifesto The Agile Manifesto has revolutionised the way teams approach software development. But, it’s crucial to acknowledge that diversity and inclusion were not at the forefront of discussions when the Manifesto was drafted. Can we add an element to t...

Creating Gender Inclusive Schools

As of this September, anti-trans legislation has been proposed in every state in the US except Delaware in the year 2023.(1) 23 of those states have passed 83 bills, many of which directly affect gender expansive students in public schools. I’m proud to say that the Oregon Department of Educat...

Why Inclusive Workplace Design Still Has a Very Long Way To Go

A few years ago, the BBC gave one of its end of year awards for sporting achievement to Dame Tanni Grey-Thompson. The award was very well deserved, but there was a big problem at the ceremony. The awards were being presented on a raised platform in the middle of the assembled audience. Dame Tanni...

A roadmap to inclusive leadership: workplace accessibility (key no3)

Welcome back to our deep dive into the keys to inclusive leadership. In this third installment, we’re zooming in on a topic often misunderstood: workplace accessibility. It’s a buzzword that’s thrown around a lot, but what does it really mean? If what comes to mind is just about ad...

6 Principles for Inclusive Design

Inclusive design helps us create products that serve as many people as possible. While accessibility is a core objective, inclusion means much more. It enables people with diverse characteristics to use your product in a variety of different environments. It’s important — especially when...

Embracing Diversity in Giving: The Power of Inclusive Philanthropy

Inclusive philanthropy is a paradigm shift — a conscious effort to ensure that the voices of those historically marginalized or underrepresented are heard and empowered. It acknowledges that diversity, in all its forms, enriches the philanthropic sector, leading to more impactful and sust...

7 Ways to Be More Inclusive in Your Everyday Life

Another example: I am coaching a small group of white employees on how racism manifests in their workplace. One member of the group, Karen, is upset about a request from Joan, her only colleague of color, to stop talking over her. Karen doesn’t understand what talking over Joan has to do with ...

Sparkling long-lasting inclusive technology

Technology shines bright lights and casts long shadows. When this spotlight is used correctly, it augments our senses, expands our minds and connects us in pulsating collectives of endless possibilities of what we can achieve. It is easy to be blinded by the flickering lights of the next innovati...

The First Step to An Inclusive Work Culture: Getting Your Colleagues’ Names Right

In December 2021, I attended my first work holiday party since 2019. I was enthusiastic to finally mingle and meet new people. (I couldn’t remember the last time I had done that). One of the guests approached me and introduced themselves. Upon learning I am Egyptian American, they fondly share...

Inclusive Branding

After years of working in branding and having worked with numerous organizations that seek to change the world, it’s apparent that even the best of brands suffer from a great weakness: We’re not as inclusive as we need to be to truly meet our missions for all in our commun...

Four features for inclusive design using Duolingo app as an example

Dyslexia affects up to 1 in 5 people, but the experience of dyslexia isn’t always the same. This difficulty in processing language exists along a spectrum — one that doesn’t necessarily fit with labels like “normal” and “defective.” Kelli Sandman-Hurley urge...

The great gaslighting of trans inclusive women

If you spend any amount of time around exclusionary feminists you quickly realise how they broadly brushstroke their personal opinions onto all women. Not some. All. They talk about trans women being men who invade women’s spaces, how trans women can never be women because of their lack of fem...

Understanding Intersectionality: The Heart of Inclusive Feminism

I’ve spent decades immersed in the world of feminism. My journey has been colored by the experiences of a typical middle-class, white cis woman born in the USA in the 60s. My life has been shaped by the need for feminism, even though I may not always explicitly mention it. Today, I want to sha...

Doing the Work to Create and Sustain More Inclusive Workplaces

Ina dynamic policy era, companies are realizing a need to examine how their workplace policies and practices can help provide stability and opportunity. Racial equity, one pillar in B Lab U.S. & Canada’s Theory of Change, requires further consideration and investment after the U.S. Su...