Tag: Humans

How Robots Help Humans Go Where No One Has Gone Before

If you’ve been following me for a while, then you know I am passionate about space exploration. So, I try to keep up with the latest science-backed news, and you won’t believe what a group of Swiss engineers are up to. They’ve got these cool quadruped bots, unlike anything you...

How Robots Help Humans Go Where No One Has Gone Before

If you’ve been following me for a while, then you know I am passionate about space exploration. So, I try to keep up with the latest science-backed news, and you won’t believe what a group of Swiss engineers are up to. They’ve got these cool quadruped bots, unlike anything you...

Who runs the internet bots or humans ?

How many of you remember the Elon Musk and Twitter drama? In the end, he bought the company with one major question: Who runs Twitter, bots or humans? According to reports, Twitter has around 330 million monthly active users. In which 5% bots on its platform. This means that there are around 16.5...

The Ten Humans Most Likely to Be President in February 2025 (Edition №1)

The first votes for President of the United States will take place 11 months from now, in Iowa, where Republican voters (but not Democratic voters) will let their voices be heard. Eleven months ago is a very short amount of time. Eleven months ago, Will Smith slapped Chris Rock at the Academy Awards...

Humans, After All: We Live in a Hyper-Connected World, and Yet We Are Starving for Connection

“I don’t want to be alone tonight.” Something in me moved as I watched this woman, a stranger, sharing this in an Authentic Relating workshop. I felt touched because I recognized myself in her. We live in a hyper-connected world, and yet we are starving for connection. Why...

On Humans And Our Love of Data

Our brains love patterns. They help us make sense of the world, define our realities and understand where we are. Mathematics is a language, eloquent and as valuable, and informative to us as words, written and spoken. We use math and language to tell stories and stories become narratives which beco...

Why Do Humans Kiss? What Science and History Tells Us

Ryan’s mother walked to the front door and abruptly turned to his sister, Julie, “No boys, tonight. You got it?” She was our babysitter that night. “Of course not!” Julie said with a wry smile. Her mother stared back, hard, to emphasize the point. Julie was 16 and qu...

Humans and AI: Three Futures

Welcome, to all the newly minted AI experts! Everyone by now has heard of ChatGPT and other generative AIs. Personally, I got into XR about thirty years ago with a dream to tell stories, perhaps even new interactive 3D stories (think: Holodeck) with the vital help of AI. Along th...

Humans and AI: Three Futures

Welcome, to all the newly minted AI experts! Everyone by now has heard of ChatGPT and other generative AIs. Personally, I got into XR about thirty years ago with a dream to tell stories, perhaps even new interactive 3D stories (think: Holodeck) with the vital help of AI. Along th...

In Radical New Pokémon Game, Pokémon Train Humans for Battles

TOKYO, Japan — In a shocking twist on its long-standing franchise, Nintendo has announced a forthcoming game, ‘Pokémon Reverse,’ where Pokémon catch and train humans for battles. The company’s controversial move comes amidst declining game sales and a desperate ...

Say goodbye to Terraform: infrastructure as code for humans with Pulumi

Let it be clear, this is not another article to criticize the changes in Terraform’s licensing by HashiCorp. There are too many reasons to consider moving away from using Terraform. In this article, we will review some of the advantages of Pulumi over Terraform. This does not imply being a Pul...

On finding humans and communities while emigrating

It was not my first time socializing in a new location. I know it is always hard at the beginning, especially for not very young, and/or women*, and/or queer, and/or neurodivergent, and/or non-native English speakers (etc.) — for people who sometimes find themselves to be the only *insert labe...

Humans of The Liberties — Dublin, Ireland

This photojournalistic project features 27 portraits of people living, working or breathing in The Liberties. Similar to Humans of New York’s approach, I would stop people on the street and have a chat/interview with them — catching eventually a frame of their lives with my camera. ...

The nature and human nature (blog post)

We’ve been visiting the west of Canada, mainly interested in exploring new views, especially the Rocky Mountains, valleys; Alberta, British Columbia are on my itinerary, including cities like Calgary, Kelowna, and Vancouver. Hiking the trails. I’s exhilarating to witness ...

Maybe Humans Are Supposed to Go Extinct?

COP28 has ended. The apologists will say that “it’s good that so many smart, concerned people met in the Emirates to discuss climate change.” The suggestion is that things would be a lot worse if these well-intentioned folks hadn’t met up. Okay, I can accept that. That log...

Do Humans Fart More Methane Than Cows?

Doyou breathe, burp or fart? If so, you’re contributing to climate change. Just like Dad, we point the finger at someone else — cows. Do cows deserve to be the pariahs of climate change? The answer is no. Humans are unequivocally at fault, but it is complicated. If you&rsquo...

To Save Our Species, We Need Better Humans

I’ve been thinking about the future (or non-future) of humanity a lot recently — as you do. And I have concluded that it comes down to this. If we are going to survive as a species, we need better humans. Each of us needs to strive to become a better human. It has to start with us. ...

Contemporary Challenges to Human Rights: A Global Perspective

The analysis of current challenges faced by human rights worldwide, covering issues such as armed conflicts, forced migration, and discrimination, provides an in-depth understanding of the obstacles affecting the promotion and protection of fundamental rights. Armed Conflicts and Systemic Violenc...

Why Humans Suck At Critical Thinking

Critical thinking is commonly defined as the analysis of available facts, evidence, observations, and arguments in order to form a judgment by the application of rational, skeptical, and unbiased analyses and evaluation¹. It’s a fundamental life skill when it comes to solving problems ...

No Humans Involved (NHI): The Dehumanization of Black People

The term “No Humans Involved” (NHI) was the unofficial term used by members of the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) and other public officials to describe the murders of people of color and those in other communities deemed “nonhuman.” The murders disproportiona...

Being Non-Op Transgender.

The point is that people that don’t understand how varied trans humans can be, lump us all into the same categories and generalize across the board that we’re all the same and do the same. I don’t care to use what they’re calling, “women only spac...

Another One Bites the Dust — Target Practice on Humans

Americans may lament the passing of more people targeted as substitutes for beer bottles on stumps, but I suspect they get something out of the emotional roller coaster of other people’s misery. Comedy and tragedy are two sides of the same coin. They both produce hormonal responses that bre...

If you love humans and the planet and want a future you will not use that word!

You can call me intolerant for not tolerating hate, discrimination and desinformation! There is certain words that would directly show that you are a fan and follower of certain politics or narratives. It is like wearing a Trump supporter basecap! You simply know there is no point starting a disc...

Hobbits to Neanderthals: Coexisting with Ancient Humans

Most people don’t realize we’re not the first Homo genus on this planet. Adding to that, they don’t even know Homo sapiens sapiens lived along side about ten different hominids that look similar to us — some with slightly bigger brains and bodies, and some with slightly small...

Why You May Have Heard Humans Only Use 10% of the Brain and Why That’s Wrong

You may have heard that humans only use 10 percent of their brain power, and that if you could unlock the rest of your brainpower, you could do so much more. You could become a super genius, or acquire psychic powers like mind reading and telekinesis. However, there is a powerful body of evidence de...

How China’s War on Sparrows Killed Millions of Humans

China’s ‘Great Leap Forward’ campaign is widely regarded as one of the biggest disasters in human history. Initiated in 1958 by Mao Zedong, leader of China’s Communist Party, the Great Leap Forward included an ambitious plan to transform agrarian rural economies into an indus...

Can AI help humans transcend the limits of biological life?

Life can be seen as organic compounds seeking electromagnetic stability. Physics and chemistry lead to the formation of organic molecules and compounds. As these organic compounds interact with each other, the “magic” of biology comes to life. There is no magic, but rather a compounded a...

The Truth About How Much Junk Humans Have Created

What defines humankind? Is it our remarkable ability to think, reason, and communicate? Or perhaps it’s the unique dexterity of our opposable thumbs that sets us apart in the animal kingdom. While these traits undoubtedly contribute to our identity, there’s another defining aspect tha...

Why Do We See Faces That Aren’t Real?

The human brain uses the same mechanisms to identify either real or fake faces. Once you’ve seen an imaginary mug, your mind won’t let go of the impression, storing the perception just like it would the image of a real person’s face. One study using brain scans suggest...

"Why can't humans cooperate effectively in large numbers?

Cooperating in large numbers (hundreds and thousands of people) is not really a trait of human beings. We can effectively cooperate only in groups of 100-150 at best. Once this threshold is crossed, the stability of groups starts to shake. What we need is fiction or a common imagined reality, a driv...

Not Just Wakanda: The Sacred Rite-of-Passage Ritual That Morphs Boys Into Men and Humans Into Crocodiles

This was originally written for my Anthropology 113 course, “Witchcraft, Magic, Science, and Religion,” taken with Prof. Mark Sanders. Life on the Sepik: Introduction to the Kaningara The island of Papua New Guinea is home to almost 9 million people, 88% of which reside in rural ar...

The Six Degrees of Separation: Unravelling the Intricate Web of Human Connection

The Six Degrees of Separation concept is based on the premise that the world is a vast, interconnected network, and that each person is just a few steps away from every other individual through a chain of acquaintances. According to the theory, it takes only six or fewer “hops” or interm...

Our Crazy Lives as Modern Humans — In 34 Words

Working heads-down on a project for a few months, a few times a day I come back to Medium as a bit of a mind-vacation, to watch all you writers casting your spells and sharing your journeys and thoughts. It’s like the best kind of background conversations one might hear in an old, wood encr...