To Save Our Species, We Need Better Humans

<p>I&rsquo;ve been thinking about the future (or non-future) of humanity a lot recently &mdash; as you do. And I have concluded that it comes down to this.</p> <p>If we are going to survive as a species, we need better humans. Each of us needs to strive to become a better human. It has to start with us.</p> <p>Let me talk you through it&hellip;</p> <p>We need better humans because firstly better humans are able to perform better actions in the world and, hence, have a more positive impact. Secondly because better humans typically start initiatives like courses, events, and companies that create other better humans. And thirdly &mdash; thinking very practically &mdash; better humans will vote for better humans. And we need better humans in power.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Humans