Maybe Humans Are Supposed to Go Extinct?

<p>COP28 has ended. The apologists will say that &ldquo;it&rsquo;s good that so many smart, concerned people met in the Emirates to discuss climate change.&rdquo; The suggestion is that things would be a lot worse if these well-intentioned folks hadn&rsquo;t met up.</p> <p>Okay, I can accept that. That logic, however, is similar to putting up a stop sign for a week at a particularly dangerous crossroads at which hundreds of accidents have occurred over the years. There were no accidents for one week, and people began to rejoice. Then, after all of the commotions died down, the sign was removed, and the accidents started again. &ldquo;Well, at least they tried, and there were no accidents for one week.&rdquo;</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Humans Maybe