Can AI help humans transcend the limits of biological life?

<p>Life can be seen as organic compounds seeking electromagnetic stability. Physics and chemistry lead to the formation of organic molecules and compounds. As these organic compounds interact with each other, the &ldquo;magic&rdquo; of biology comes to life. There is no magic, but rather a compounded aggregation of many interconnected actions and reactions of organic chemistry.</p> <p>As examples, let&rsquo;s briefly and in simple terms discuss the two most famous molecules of organic life: DNA and RNA. These are acids in the nucleus or center of cells, and are thus called nucleic acids. Ribonucleic acid is RNA. Deoxyribonucleic acid is DNA. Both DNA and RNA are made of a sugar bound to a phosphate group serving as the foundation or backbone for columns or spikes of nitrogenous bases. The prefix &ldquo;ribo&rdquo; in ribonucleic comes from ribose, the five-carbon atoms sugar in RNA. The &ldquo;deoxy&rdquo; prefix means without oxygen, and refers to deoxyribose, the five-carbon sugar in DNA.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>