Humans, After All: We Live in a Hyper-Connected World, and Yet We Are Starving for Connection

<p>&ldquo;I don&rsquo;t want to be alone tonight.&rdquo;</p> <p>Something in me moved as I watched this woman, a stranger, sharing this in an Authentic Relating workshop. I felt touched because I recognized myself in her.</p> <p><strong>We live in a hyper-connected world, and yet we are starving for connection.</strong></p> <p>Why? Because we are humans, and yet, we seem to have forgotten that about ourselves and built lives that disserve us.</p> <p>This is my call for change and three actions I&rsquo;ve taken and you can take too.</p> <h1>The Left Brain Says, &ldquo;I Do!&rdquo;</h1> <p>Two words that define our day and age.</p> <p>The Western world is left-brained. Success is defined by what we do and how much we do, not by who we are and how we are.</p> <p>Self-worth comes from the number of items I&rsquo;ve punched from my to-do list. And even spiritual healing comes from how much&nbsp;<strong>work</strong>&nbsp;I&rsquo;ve done on myself.</p> <p>The left brain is the seat of individualism, action, and structure. It&rsquo;s useful but not meant to steer the wheel alone, leaving the right brain on the bench.</p> <p>And this is one reason for our current ill-being. We are the generation with the highest rates of depression, anxiety, and other mental health challenges while being the generation with the most freedom, options, and choices.&nbsp;<em>(hint: these three are part of the problem, but that&rsquo;s for another article).</em></p> <p><a href="">Read More</a></p>