Who runs the internet bots or humans ?

<p>How many of you remember the Elon Musk and Twitter drama? In the end, he bought the company with one major question: Who runs Twitter, bots or humans?</p> <p>According to reports, Twitter has around 330 million monthly active users. In which 5% bots on its platform. This means that there are around 16.5 million bots on Twitter. The figure of 5% is disputed by some researchers, who estimate that the number of bots on Twitter is much higher. For example, a 2017 study by the University of Southern California and Indiana University found that the number of bots on Twitter was between 9% and 15%.</p> <p>But Why and What bots are doing on Twitter? The simple answer is, they can be used to spread misinformation, promote products or services, or sometimes just to generate traffic.</p> <p>This blog is not about Twitter and bots. Instead, it focuses on the internet, a place that is constantly evolving. Users are either using the internet or being used by the internet and bots. This raises the question: Who runs the internet bots, humans or the internet itself?</p> <p>Although no one can predict the exact number of bots on the internet, it is estimated that nearly half of all web traffic in 2022 was generated by bots. The report by Imperva showed that in 2022, 30.2% of all web traffic came from bad bots, a 2.5% increase over 2021</p> <p><a href="https://thedevankit.medium.com/who-runs-the-internet-bots-or-humans-3e46788d5802">Website</a></p>