Tag: Hate

Why Do Men Think Feminists Hate Them?

I was shocked to find out that my friend, Trey*, was stunned to find out I’m a feminist. (I mean, bro. Have you read my writing?) So, we ended up talking about it and he was confused. “Wait, you want to work?” “Yes.” “Why?” “I wan...

I HATE Rom-Coms. But here are the 11 Best

I am not a snob about many things. Certainly not my wardrobe. I used to dress from K-Mart, now I pretty much just dress from what other people leave at the gym. My bling? I mostly sport Grateful Dead skull necklaces and zoo animals I fashion from Evian bottle caps. I don’t spend a lot on ar...

Where Does Self Hate Come From?

That may seem harsh and difficult to understand. If you know me personally, it may be hard to accept. “Not Bret, he’s always smiling.” Hating myself doesn’t mean I never smile or I can’t enjoy the world around me. I can and I do. But still, this feeling is always the...

I HATE R U OK Day — 9/15/23

It’s been a busy couple of weeks and yesterday was international “R U OK” day. I spent the day both in my office and outside of it and I have to say, what I saw frustrates the hell out of me. Every year, despite working intensely around mental health, I choose not to participate...

I Hate You Hot Yoga (I Love You

Forty minutes into the class, the temperature soared to 105 degrees Fahrenheit, and my mind spewed out a stream of obscenities so obscene that they would have made my Boston brethren proud. I glanced at my wife. Serene, her breath steady, her poses flawless (though she’d argue otherwise), all ...

Hate NFTs? I have some bad news for you…

With the recent crash in crypto markets and the gnat-like attention span of major media outlets, the fervor around NFTs has subsided a bit in recent months. It’s hard to remember now, but earlier this spring they were all anyone could talk about. So last semester, when passions were runni...

I Friggin’ Hate SAND (in video games)

Creative media is the gateway and the catalyst for mankind’s wildest imagination to flourish. Its were all manner of wonder and whimsy take root as we create breathtaking worlds, outlandish characters and dramatic stories; create technology, flora and fauna not of this world that we otherwise ...

I Hacked The Video Game That Made Hayao Miyazaki Hate Video Games

Shit was rough for Hayao Miyazaki in the 1980s. Nobody seemed to know what to do with his more personal, more revolutionary work. Besides ruin it, that is. A lot has been written about Warriors Of The Wind, the butchered 1985 US adaptation of Nausicaä Of The Valley of the Wind, to the...

I Friggin’ Hate SAND (in video games)

Creative media is the gateway and the catalyst for mankind’s wildest imagination to flourish. Its were all manner of wonder and whimsy take root as we create breathtaking worlds, outlandish characters and dramatic stories; create technology, flora and fauna not of this world that we otherwise ...

5 Reasons I Hate Paris And I’m Never Going Back

Ah, the city of blinding lights. The romance, the couture, the intellectual conversation! The wine, the Gitanes… Bullshit. Paris is like a coercive partner. It always fucks you up and yet you keep crawling back. Every time you leave, you vow never to go there again. Then time passe...

My Love-Hate Relationship with 401K Millionaires

While obviously I want people to read my article, I think it’s especially important that readers visit the Yahoo story on recent numbers published by Fidelity Investments. If you’re not familiar with Fidelity, they are one of the largest providers of 401K plans in America, partnering ...

Knowing I Hate, I Will Refuse to Hate

In 2024, I will seek out three people whose opinions I expect I will strongly disagree with, and will listen to them explain their opinions, and how they arrived at them, without interrupting them. In person, not online. Then I will thank them for being open with me, and I will consider in what ways...

Cornell Student Arrested for Antisemitic Threats as Hochul Ramps Up Response to Campus Hate

In a troubling development, a Cornell University student has been arrested for posting violent antisemitic threats targeting Jewish students on campus. 21-year-old Patrick Dai is accused of threatening to slit peoples’ throats and shoot up kosher dining areas. This arrest comes amidst a sha...

Do All Feminists Hate Men?

The large-scale project involved 6 studies and a total of 10,000 participants from 10 countries, including the U.K., U.S., Italy, Poland, China, India and Japan, among others, querying both men and women, as well as feminists and non-feminists. The researchers studied negative and positive attitu...

“You Just Hate Men”

Ifyou’re a vocal woman on social media, you’ve had this accusation flung at you at some point. OK, not trad wives; they’ve got you right where they want you. You’re all good. Sometimes, you’ll hear the word “misandry” instead, ignoring the fact that misan...

Can Hate Ever Become Peace?

I’ve lived with hate all my life, as is true for far too many people all over the world. My first breath was taken in color-based segregation. A pigmentocracy, if you will; a country where a person’s rights and freedoms depended upon their skin color. The hospital didn’t allow &ldq...

Titans of Hate: Canada’s Anti-Trans Conservatives Begin to Implode

A campaign based on attacking Wab Kinew, abandoning Indigenous victims of a serial killer, and jumping on the anti-trans bandwagon cost Heather Stefanson her job. Voters didn’t appreciate Stefanson vowing to never spend a penny to search for two murdered Indigenous women whom poli...

Do truck drivers hate dispatcher?

When I had my dispatching company and was just starting out the main decision I had to make was, how much should I charge for my services. I went back and forth from 5% to 8% to 10%. I eventually settled on 10% and the reason was simple, I was well worth it. I gave my carriers the security of kno...

The Hate Crime No One Is Talking About

On April 30, Aaron Martinez celebrated his 35th birthday. A day later he was brutally murdered by his neighbor who had been harassing them for years and saying he didn’t want Latinos in his neighborhood. According to CBS News Texas, when Martinez moved to Forney more than 2 years ago, 30-...

It is Dangerous: Using the ‘Perpetual Foreigner’ Myth to Breed Division and Hate

Rep. Chu has served her country and her constituents well for 14 years in Congress. Rep. Gooden’s remarks were racist, xenophobic, and (as Rep. Hakeem Jefferies stated) dangerous. Not even Rep. Gooden’s own party supports his outrageous comments. Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-WI)...

This Hate Crime Shows Why White Teens Need to Learn About Racism

A14-year-old White teenager, John Sheeran, has been indicted on attempted murder charges for reportedly trying to drown a Black teenager in a Cape Cod pond in Chatham, Massachusetts, last July, a crime prosecutors describe as a "racially-motivated attack." The Black teenager told inve...

Breaking the Chains of Hate

Frankie Meeink is a former member of a white supremacist skinhead gang. By the age of seventeen years old, Frankie was already deeply embedded in the chaotic and often violent neo-nazi lifestyle. In my interview with Frankie, he opened up about his extremist past and transformative experience in whi...

Re-install LinkedIn Now If you hate regrets

If you’re reading to get info about why you should install LinkedIn then this piece would be a clickbait to you. This piece Actually reflects how our limitations as natural beings aids our eagerness to lookdown on crucial opportunities currently finding expression in our lives It’s...

Why I Hate Hoodies

If I could go back in time and find the inventive and creative mind that invented this piece of warm clothing, I would cuss him like he ate the last piece of my birthday cake. I own several hoodies, and they are great on a chilly evening as preventers of goosebumps and the common cold. So stylish in...

Begging for hate in Chinese (aka I-hate-you-but-not-really…)

If your kid said that to you in a rage, that would be pretty hurtful, right? But if your spouse said that to you in a teasing way after you play a(n innocuous) practical joke on them, that’s a totally different tone. And in Chinese, the word “討厭” (tǎoyàn) meaning ...